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Search results

  1. B

    Need some ideas/opinions

    I've just started a Ravenloft campaign in 4E, and I'd like to bring in the arc of Strahd's reincarnated love, Tatyana. In the old AD&D adventure the players eventually found her and she helped them get to Strahd. But she was an NPC. I've got one player in my game who gave herself a basic...
  2. B

    D&D 4E Fortune Telling in 4E

    So I'm getting ready to run a Ravenloft campaign, and I've been going back through the old AD&D Realm of Terror box set. I'm trying to adapt some of the old mechanics and details of that to 4E. There's one section of the sourcebook that talks about Gypsies, and gets into specifics of fortune...
  3. B

    Running a Ravenloft game

    I'd like to start a Ravenloft campaign in 4E, but there's no official WotC setting for that. I know the following: The Domains of Dread in the Shadowfell are sort of a version of Ravenloft, but aren't detailed (in the Manual of the Planes, at least). So I can pretty much adjust that as I see...
  4. B

    New D&D novel: Mark of Nerath

    Anyone read it yet? I just picked it up the other day and hope to start it this weekend. It's the first book set in the Nentir Vale, and I guess the start of a new series. I'll post with my thoughts when I get to it, if anyone is interested.
  5. B

    A gambling scene?

    At Gencon I picked up a deck of fantasy-themed playing cards. The set is called "Gambling? I'm in!" and I think is an expansion for "The Red Dragon Inn". It's from Slugfest games. I don't know what the Red Dragon Inn is. I was just really taken by the deck. The cards come with a booklet...
  6. B

    Nentir Vale - The Old Hills

    My players are going to be crossing The Old Hills on their way somewhere. I'm trying to come up with a short non-combat encounter or event or obstacle, and I'm looking for some ideas. I guess I should first ask if there is any background info about this region from WotC I should consider or...
  7. B

    Monster idea - Animated Gate

    My players are going to run into a statue garden. I want them to stay in the garden a fight a couple animated statues. I don't want them to just run to the other end and open the gate. So rather than say it's magically locked or something, I thought maybe I could make the gate a monster...
  8. B

    Nentir Vale setting info?

    Can anyone point me toward some published info about the Nentir Vale setting? All I've got is what's in the back of the DMG, and I'd like to give my players more information about the history of this land. Plus I'm sure it'll help me come up with better stories. Thanks!
  9. B

    unarmed/no equipment rules?

    Inspired by a scene suggested in another thread... What if my players have been relieved of their weapons and armor, and are attacked? Or, in the scene I'm thinking of, they're taking a break in a royal bathhouse as a reward for a completed quest. Are there existing rules for running unarmed...
  10. B

    Scaling down monsters?

    Forgive me if a thread on this already exists. I tried doing a search of the forum first, but couldn't get it to work. I'm planning to buy a subscription to D&D Insider. The tools on there look pretty great to me, as a newbie DM. For the adventure I'm putting together, I want to use...
  11. B

    Help on a Marketplace Chase scene?

    Ok, I'm a first time DM. My party has started with the Kobold Hall adventure in the back of the DMG guide. I'm going to go on my own from there. Here's the general plot I've started: The party kills the Young White Dragon at the end of the adventure. They cut the lenses from the eyes of...
  12. B

    Want to know if this is a houserule or not?

    Ok, so I'm playing with a group of n00bs to 4E, including our DM. He played 3.5 a lot, and I'm pretty sure he keeps rolling back to 3.5 rules and stuff. He's admitted to me that he didn't read the 4E Players Handbook, only the quick start rules you can get for free on the Wizards' website...