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Search results

  1. H

    Trail of Deceit by Ken Enderby and Greg Rickards

    A teacher of mine has just finished the first book in his new fantasy series called Trail of Deceit. The series has been 23 years in the making. It was co-written by Ken and Greg before being published in homage to the late Greg Rickards, who some older gamers might know from his writings for...
  2. H

    Warriors and Warlocks (Sword and Ink gaming)

    Been reading way too many fantasy comics these days and I'm really getting the urge to run a comic-book style campaign. What I'm wondering M&M players is, how close to the comic-book feel does Warriors and Warlocks come? Also, is the battle close to an action = a panel archetype?
  3. H

    Alternative alignments

    I'm not so much a fan of the six alignment system but since I'm starting a new game with brand-new players I want to give them some sort of guideline. Especially when roleplaying with the world's societies, since judicial ideologies will play a part in the campaign. I'm not that familar...
  4. H

    Wild Talents

    I haven't heard a lot about this but from what I scanned at my FLGS it looks really interesting. I'm wondering if anyone here plays? Opinions about the game? What's the prep-time like? And are there any online communities supporting it?
  5. H

    HLTW Homebrew.

    A work in progress. This is my first homebrew, after years of running Greyhawk, I've decided to try something different. A campaign world that challenges the players in four areas, mainly intrigue, heroic/ cinematic combat, the frightening unknown and surviving insanity/mutation. Any...