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  1. Narfellus

    Players dissatisfied with level of danger in 4e

    That's basically what i've done too. It works great and the players really like the speeded up combat. They LIKE that monsters can hurt them, badly too, in a single round, but the monsters dropped faster. I've killed 4 PCs in 4th edition, and usually it is a combination of traps and monsters...
  2. Narfellus

    couple of RotS questions (spoilers)

    Wait, wait, wait. Are we saying that the Emperor killed this Plagus guy, who had in turn created Anakin himself? And the Emperor secretly guided him toward the Dark Side all along? That's a hefty claim, and sort of neat, but sounds like a lot of conjecture. I thought it was pure coincidence...
  3. Narfellus

    What was Alternity like?

    hey, thanks Doc
  4. Narfellus

    Return to the Tomb of Horrors....what say you?

    I have some great memories from that adventure. In a slight modification of the module, i stripped our resident female monk of all of her clothes, posessions and magic items, and teleported her alone to a random sealed off section of the Tomb. Of all the characters, she was the only that could...
  5. Narfellus

    What was Alternity like?

    It's hard to find too. I've scoured Amazon and Ebay but Dark Matter isn't available right now by itself, only in huge lots. I'm sure it will turn up eventually for fairly cheap. And yeah, that sounds a lot like Delta Green. Which, incidentally, is supposed to be rereleased from Pagan Games as a...
  6. Narfellus

    Return to the Tomb of Horrors....what say you?

    I want to run it again, and finish it all the way for once. It's a time investment though. It's a huge adventure.
  7. Narfellus

    George R. R. Martin has a new sample up!

    I'd thought about the Martin/King comparison myself, but in his heyday King was a writing monster. The Stand was longer than the GoT novels, and he never slowed down no matter what, putting out more books than most people other than his hardcore fans cared to read. Not that it's a race or...
  8. Narfellus

    What was Alternity like?

    Dark Matter, from what i've heard and read about it, sounds A LOT like Cthulhu and Delta Green. And since Monte Cooke worked on both, I wonder how similar they are. Is Dark Matter comparable to the d20 CoC book, as far as genre? What about graphic layout and design? d20 CoC IS a pretty book...
  9. Narfellus

    What was Alternity like?

    Thanks, Carl. That was a nice breakdown. I'm already considering picking up Alternity just to give it a whirl. I love collecting books, and i like to try stuff that others recommend. DnD does have it's flaws that for sure, but it also has some virtues. It's true though, the abstraction of combat...
  10. Narfellus

    Return to the Tomb of Horrors....what say you?

    Well, it's not the ORIGINAL tomb that i'm so fond of. It is packaged in the boxed set as if in it's original mint condition, and the players have to go through it again. But that is just a small sequence sandwiched between the module's overarcing storyline. It is much more epic and heroic than...
  11. Narfellus

    Most embarassing gaming moment?

    Yeah, that seems like a good way to handle it. I ran a Cthulhu tournament a while back and had an 11 year old girl at the table. Her dad knew, he knew what Cthulhu was, even said, "Whoa, honey, yer in for it!" By the conclusion it got pretty gory with eviscerated rotting zombies and puddles of...
  12. Narfellus

    Return to the Tomb of Horrors....what say you?

    I ran Return to the Tomb of Horrors about 4 years ago. I warned the players up front that it would get VERY difficult later on. They rolled up new 13th level characters (or 14) and off they went. It didn't get incredibly hard until the PC's made it to the Negative Plane. Then, the tricks and...
  13. Narfellus

    Map or floor plan of an oil platform needed

    I've long thought that developers should branch out and give us more than fantasy templates for 5 foot squares. Yes, why not oil rigs, haunted houses, military bases, nuclear reactors, city streets, ghost towns, etc. They've got fantasy nailed pretty good, and now there's lots of science fiction...
  14. Narfellus

    Some questions about using miniatures in game...

    Before i began my miniatures addiction, we used a Jar Jar Legos character for EVERY SINGLE ENEMY. It's all we had. I got so tired of killing that little bugger every time i went nuts buying new minis. The best part was pulling him out in a short-lived SW campaign for the obligatory "kill the...
  15. Narfellus

    Conan, 2nd printing

    Sure. It's a good site.
  16. Narfellus

    I killed our campaign

    Oh baby. CoC is a real great fix for anyone burned out on pure combat games. I highly recommend it for anyone, and the BRP is just fine. You don't need the d20 version, but it works well too.
  17. Narfellus

    Conan, 2nd printing

    I just have to rant for a second. Does anyone else have Road of Kings? Now, i like the Conan stuff, i really do, but here's a BIG quibble i have about this book... The full color maps are reprinted no less than FOUR TIMES. Front cover, back cover, middle spread, then individual kingdoms...
  18. Narfellus

    George R. R. Martin has a new sample up!

    I'm also eagerly awaiting book 4. I was a late bloomer for GoT, and had a hard time getting into it at first. All i can say is that book 3 was worth the wait, with probably the hands down best cliffhanger i've ever read. Fortunately i finished that book only a few months ago. If i had to wait...
  19. Narfellus

    Some questions about using miniatures in game...

    I've gotten into the habit of making my own counters after buying dozens of the ones from Fiery Dragon. I mean, i liked those, but after spending money on stuff i've used very little, i decided i could make my own. If there's a picture i like, i'll download it, crop and adjust in photoshop to...
  20. Narfellus

    What was Alternity like?

    Hmm. It's interesting how some of Alternity was stripped for d20. I guess i'm trying to wrap my mind around how the multiple dice difficulty setting is any different than bumping up or down the DC in d20. Or how a d20 combat attack really is just a skill check against variably hard to hit...