Search results

  1. Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper

    Kickstarter [Galladoria Games] Factions of Galladoria (Painted and unpainted accessories and terrain) Quality made, mass produced pre-painted terrain and accessories are not that common (dominated by WizKids and Dwarven Forge) so this crowd funding campaign really caught my eye. The Factions of Galladoria Kickstarter has...
  2. Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper

    Release Vote for your favorite pre-painted miniatures from 2020., host of the world's most used image gallery and discussion forums for pre-painted miniatures, is now collecting nominations and polls for the miniatures (by size category) and sets of pre-painted miniatures released in 2020, which you feel are deserving of the title "Best of...
  3. Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper

    D&D 5E D&D Icons of the Realms - Boneyard Previews

    The D&D Icons of the Realms, line of pre-painted miniatures has seen a great increase in product offerings in 2020 and this trend is continuing into 2021. Of the the next most anticipated sets of these miniatures is March 2021's release of "Boneyard", an undead-themed set. WizKid's Patrick...
  4. Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper

    Virtual Con: Con of Champions

    I am fairly surprised I have not seen mention of this upcoming convention here. It is scheduled for next weekend and is being hosted by Tabletop Events to help keep their site up and running. There are still a lot of games available. Con of Champions
  5. Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper

    After Zombies / BILT Player Resources?

    I recently just bought the After Zombies Roleplaying game by Apocalyptic Games and am currently reading up on the rules. I'm a long-time fan of Charles Rice and have greatly enjoyed his work on Blood & Guts and Modern20, so I am really looking forward to playing this game and using this system...
  6. Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper

    Animal Templates (Dire Template)

    Is there a sourcebook which lists what a general Dire template is? MM only lists the animals with Dire status. Also, is there a d20 sourcebook which lists various other types of templates (ideally templates for animals)? Thanks
  7. Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper

    Names of FR Deities -- usable at all?

    I was just wondering if there are any circumstances or options available in which I am able to refer to a Forgotten Realms God. For my project on making orc classes I make references to what religions the appropriate classes tend to follow. ie: Religion: Brawler's will follow the theology of...
  8. Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper

    d20 Feats and OGL / Copyright

    Firstly, despite my attempt to educate myself on OGL, I have failed. I really don't understand what is OGL and what is copyright material. Really... I don't understand what is OGL material either. If anyone knows of a good site that explains all of this in common language so that the people...