• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. C

    Its the little things that make our game great.

    If I were DMing the game, I would have made sure the Bird had a "passing" coming on. You can't just S*** on call y'know! (JK, that was a good one!)
  2. C

    Winging It!!!!

    Wow, that sitting around and just playing thing is pretty wild, but I find that the most enjoyment DMs and Players alike recieve, is a full fledged campaign. A continuing saga with set rules and boundries. Even when I have to 100% wing it, (I hope my players don't read this), I act like I'm...
  3. C

    Winging It!!!!

    How many of you DM's out there have had to truely wing a whole game? I mean, maybe the players went off in a direction you had nothing planned for, or you forgot about the game, didn't prepare and didn't want to cancel! I usually write all my own campaigns and adventures, so I have had to...
  4. C

    Are you out of the D&D closet?

    Girlfriends? Well not a one I dated was a role player, but now 3 of my X's are! (well they play sometimes.) Seriously, there is no reason to be secretive about this (hmm, hmm, SGFOhio!) Its a very creative hobby, and brings out the kid in all of us. SOME people may be closed minded about...
  5. C

    Are you out of the D&D closet?

    I don't care what people think about it, especially the close minded ones. I know what D&D is to me, and that’s all that really matters. There are too many different types of people in this world to have to cater to others opinions. Fact is, D&D isn’t evil, bad or otherwise, and you may do...