Search results

  1. Xenu

    D&D 5E DnD Loot webapp (not edition specific)

    One of the players in my game has developed a webapp for maintaining party loot. Looks pretty cool and he'd like to get more people kicking the tires. You can check out his post on reddit here: His...
  2. Xenu

    D&D 5E Looking for advice: Tome of Horrors by Frog God Games... for use w/5E?

    I'm looking for some quick advice here. I backed Necromancer Games / Frog God's Kickstarter ( for all three books. After snagging the Fifth Edition Foes PDF by registering on their web site, I received...
  3. Xenu

    D&D 5E For the player that has everything: wooden dice boxes

    Saw this over on Reddit: Very cool looking (and spendy) dice boxes. Some of the engravings look really sharp.
  4. Xenu

    Where did the name 'Dungeons and Dragons' come from?

    The subject says it all. I understand that D&D evolved from Chainmail. But who exactly came up with the name "Dungeons and Dragons"? What was the inspiration? Why wasn't the name "Chainmail" kept? Just curious. --xenu
  5. Xenu

    Mongoose: Dredd art?

    Any idea as to when are we going to see some cover art for the new JD d20 game that will be coming out in June? Soon, hopefully. I hit daily to see if anything new has been posted. Nothing yet. :P Thanks! --xenu
  6. Xenu

    Mongoose: d20 Judge Dredd

    When will the new Judge Dredd RPG be hitting the streets? I don't see any mention of it in your scheduled releases link at Some time after May perhaps? --xenu