Search results

  1. The_Baldman

    Winter Fantasy 2016 and D&D AL

    You will probably be hard pressed to find a show with more D&D AL goodness then Winter Fantasy. So here is the list of everything that we will be running at the show next February. Drool over if you want but we'd prefer you to show-up and play a ton of D&D, hang out with admins, show staff...
  2. The_Baldman

    Judges needed for Gencon 2012 D&D Games

    From Dave C of Baldman Games: "Do you enjoy D&D? Do you think Gencon is the greatest show on earth? Well we need you then. Wizards of the Coast is still looking for volunteers to run games of D&D 4th edition and D&D Next at Gencon 2012 this August. Judges can earn free books, shirts, badges to...
  3. The_Baldman

    Judges needed for Gencon 2012 D&D Games

    Do you enjoy D&D? Do you think Gencon is the greatest show on earth? Well we need you then. Wizards of the Coast is still looking for volunteers to run games of D&D 4th edition and D&D Next at Gencon 2012 this August. Judges can earn free books, shirts, badges to the show, and even free hotel...
  4. The_Baldman

    DDXP and my thoughts on New Edition

    Decided to start a new thread based on a conversation started in another. I have had a lot of fun playing the new edition so far. Gave me a very old school feeling and I've been playing for a really long time now (this year makes 30). I played a fighter named Thud. I hit things with a large...
  5. The_Baldman

    Gencon Judges Needed

    So we are still looking for judges for Origins (6 weeks away gang) and Gencon (2 1/2 months away). I could use about 10 more judges for Origins. We have badges and room spaces available still. Its a laid back show with a ton of great RPG games going on. Baldman Games - Origins 2011 Home This...
  6. The_Baldman

    D&D Experience 2011 pre-reg is live

    So spreading the word, posting some posts, ya know how it goes. Pre-reg is live and would love if you sorta kinda wandered over and took a look. Thanks
  7. The_Baldman

    DDXP, Thanks, and Sleep

    So I've got a lot of emails and posts to dig through this week. I should be catching up on work but the positive buzz from the show is still keeping me upright and functional for now and digging around on the internet for people's thoughts is actually a lot of fun. I just wanted to thank all of...
  8. The_Baldman

    DDXP, 4th edition, and Forgotten Realms

    So the last batch of LFR tickets has been dug from the bottom of the barrel. So if they were sold out last time you looked then take another look before they are gone for good. We'll have a few dozen for sale onsite only as well for those going for other things but missing out on those. Check...
  9. The_Baldman

    DDXP. 4th Edition Previews, and Updates

    So things are selling fast. Really fast. I've expanded the 4th edition tickets twice now and we're still over 90% sold out and approaching across the board I would guess in the next couple of weeks. So if your sitting on the fence now is the time to get your tickets paid for and done. I should...
  10. The_Baldman

    D&D eXPerience Ticket Sales Live

    Those interested in going can find information at and a full schedule and ticket sales are Some may wonder what this is doing in the 4th edition section and I can answer that. DDXP will be the first place in the world where the finished 4th edition game will be...