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  1. victorysaber


    Wow! Thanks a lot. So no links to Mordenkainen and crew? He was an independent player in Greyhawlitics?
  2. victorysaber

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5E - Using spell slots to substitute for material/XP components

    Would it be better if it were a Metamagic Feat? Independent Spell [Metamagic] Benefit: You can alter a spell with a material or XP component, so that it can be cast without those components. An independent spell that used to have a material component uses up a spell slot one level higher...
  3. victorysaber

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5E - Using spell slots to substitute for material/XP components

    Hm. So would the "spend 1 XP for every 5 gp value of the material component" model work better than giving up spell slots?
  4. victorysaber


    Who is Kwalish? My Google-fu could only bring up a forum thread about him, but I'd like to find more info.
  5. victorysaber

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5E - Using spell slots to substitute for material/XP components

    I couldn't find any rules that allow you to substitute spell slots for material/XP components. I know there's a feat/rule that allows you to spend XP in lieu of material components (costs 1 XP for every 5 gp value of the component). So I'm thinking of coming up with a feat for it. Substitute...
  6. victorysaber

    Eberron - Dragonmarks & the Zodiac

    Ah, that's the thing. I tried to make assignments, but they ended up being rather arbitary towards the end (the remaining Dragonmarks and the remaining Zodiac signs don't have a very good fit, I feel). This is what I came up with. The Mark of Detection (House Medani) - Aquarius The Mark of...
  7. victorysaber

    Eberron - Dragonmarks & the Zodiac

    Thanks! Am I the only one who sees a link between Dragonmarks and the Zodiac?
  8. victorysaber

    Eberron - Dragonmarks & the Zodiac

    Apologies, I've asked this question before but I lost the thread. Is there any official or WOG stance about which Dragonmarks correspond to which real world Zodiac signs? The Mark of Death would correspond to Ophiucus (both being so mysterious), but I'm having trouble corresponding the others.
  9. victorysaber

    Variant Ninja (Complete Adventurer)

    I read in an issue of Dragon, several elemental variants for the Ninja. Specifically, the Ninja in CA was an "Air" Ninja, and they gave variant abilities for other elemental Ninjas. Does anyone know which issue this is? Also, are there any other resources or support for the Ninja? Thanks!
  10. victorysaber

    10th level spells . . . inspiration required

    If it helps... Command Weather Transmutation Level: Druid 10 Casting Time: 1 round Range: 1 mile/level Area: 1 mile'level radius, centered on you Duration: 1 hour/level Saving Throw: None Spell Resistance: No As control weather, except as noted. It takes 1 round to cast the spell, and 1...
  11. victorysaber

    What D&Disms have you never liked?

    I dislike save or die spells.
  12. victorysaber

    Psychic Healer with Core Rules

    Great! Thanks! How do I heal things like blindness, deafness, fear, paralysis, though? Oh, and, what does Sangehirn mean, in English? Just curious about the etymology.
  13. victorysaber

    Channeling Chaotic & Lawful Energy

    Ah, found it! Very small section in Path of Faith, talks about channeling principled & entropic energy.
  14. victorysaber

    Psychic Healer with Core Rules

    Hm. Then is it actually viable to have a Psion as a healer? If not, are there any other psionic classes that could fulfill the Cleric role?
  15. victorysaber

    Psychic Healer with Core Rules

    Hello everyone, One of my players wants to be a healer, but she wants to play a psion. What should she do? I'm suggesting the following powers to take: 1 - Vigour 2 - Biofeedback, Share Pain, Empathic Transfer, 3 - Body Adjustment, Body Purification, Forced Share Pain, Hostile Empathic...
  16. victorysaber

    Half-Plant creature Stats

    Great! Thank you very much. I'll go with Woodling.
  17. victorysaber

    Half-Plant creature Stats

    Hello everyone, Is there any template for a creature that is Half-Plant, Half-Treant, or something similar in concept? Preferably WotC, but online or others are good too (just might not be able to find them). Thank you!
  18. victorysaber

    Channeling Chaotic & Lawful Energy

    There's a sourcebook where it gives the option for clerics to channel lawful and chaotic energy (in the way that positive energy is "good" and negative energy is "evil"). Or at least, it points out that there are such sources of energy. Does anyone know which sourcebook this is? Thank you!
  19. victorysaber

    Character Sheets

    Hey, sorry if this has been asked before. Are there any 3.5/3.x character sheets lying around online? I couldn't find any at Wizards' site.
  20. victorysaber

    When is Speak Like A Pirate Day?

    I read that it's the same day as the launch of 4E but I can't find the thread. When is it?