Search results

  1. P

    Need a Ruined Castle and Quickly!

    Hey all! I was hoping the ENWorld community could help me find a ruined castle map somewhere out there in internet land. I am currently combing my Dungeon mag collection but nothing yet. Basically I want a map of a castle that looks like it has suffered extreme damage. Ruined walls, towers...
  2. P

    Shackeled City - what are my chances and when do you give XP?

    I'm currently playing in SC (we fought and killed the mimic pretty easily) and am getting concerned. Our DM is the type to not give out XP until the adventure is finished. And we are under a time constraint in the adventure as a few creatures have managed to escape us and (we assume) have...
  3. P

    A new Take on Turn Undead

    Turning Undead is one of those 'all or nothing' abilities that has always bugged me. So, as always, I want to tinker with it and make it more interesting. Here is my initial idea Cleric makes Turn check as normal (d20+Cha bonus) but uses this slightly modified table to determine success 0 or...
  4. P

    DR/Magic - would you change it to this?

    Currently Damage Reduction/Magic requires only +1 or better weapon to overcome regardless of the amount of DR (ie 5-20). I am thinking of making the following changes to it DR 5/magic = DR 5/+1 or better weapon to hit DR 10/magic = DR 10/+2 or better weapon to hit DR 15/magic = DR15/+3 or...
  5. P

    PHB 2 Afflitations - are you using them?

    How are people finding the affiliation rules in the PHB 2? Like/Hate/Ignore? Do you think they add anything to your game, RP-wise? I am very interested in them but was wondering if anyone had actually used them in game yet.
  6. P

    Dragons - how often do you use them?

    So my question is this - how often do dragons appear in your games? By appear I mean the PCs have some kind of interection with them - fighting, talking whatever. By campaign I mean the entire stretch of a PCs life, whether that is 1st-5th level or 10th to 30th - how often is a PC going to...
  7. P

    WooHoo 2nd Level! 1000Pos..err XP!

    Finally! I got my 1000'XP' and have made second level! I didn't think that skin-flint chiseller DM I labour under would ever let me reach this plateau. I'm thinking fighter for the bonus feat but I already have a level of Rogue....
  8. P

    Customizable Skill Lists

    I would like opinions on this house rule regarding class skill lists. Any foreseeable problems? I am a big advocate of skill checks for almost anything (even the 'social' ones although the players still have the RP the situation) so allowing them to customize their skill lists within the...
  9. P

    Stat Generation - your wierd and wacky ways

    We've all seen the 4d6 drop lowest, 3d6 straight up, point buys of varying types but what unusual ways have you used to have player generate stats. I am (hopefully) going to be starting a new campaign next week and am thinking about a non-standard way to make stats. One way I am considering...
  10. P

    Challenge of Champions V (Dungeon #108) GRRRR!!!!!

    Last night the group I play in finished the Challenge of Champions V from Dungeon 108. I have played and/or ran most of this series and always thought the senarios were fair and in keeping with the fantasy theme. Not so number 5 however. The final puzzle has the party with 11 discs numbered 0...
  11. P

    Awesome new Wallpaper on WotC

    I love it! Basement Elf
  12. P

    DVD-R vs. DVD+R

    What on earth is the difference between these two formats? I just got a DVD burner and have noticed that there are two types of DVD R's to purchase. Is one better than the other? Can anyone help?
  13. P

    Similar Screen Names

    In this thread a poster has appeared who goes by the name Warrior Psychic witht he same avatar as me. I don't care about the avatar (others have that) but the similarity of names concerns me. I actually thought for a moment that I had posted to the thread already. Is there any policy on this...
  14. P

    What would you like to see dropped from Dungeon?

    Poll forthcoming. I know Wil Save is already a casualty but this is a 'wish list' of sorts. I would remove Downer, Mt Zogon, The Portent and Letters to the Editor myself (and would like ot have replacment cartoons that are actually funny!)
  15. P

    ENWorld in financial RUIN! We're all gonna DIE!

    Oh no! What are we going to do? Cannot even a fundraiser save our beloved site? Oh woe is us! Forced to live a wretched exsistance...
  16. P

    Incredibles DVD - Opinions?

    Got the Incredibles DVD last night and looked over some of the extra features. here are some pros and cons Pros Jack Jack Attack animated short - what happened with the babysitter while the family was away? This short film shows all! Very funny! Boundin' - the animated short that was shon...
  17. P

    Help with a Prestige Class - Students of the Perfect Cut

    So tell me what you think. is this way too powerful for a PrC? Too weak? What would you change/add to it. Note that I runa fairly high-power/low magic game so letting a character or two learn this PrC wouldn't bother me. i just wonder if it is too weak/powerful. I find that hard to judge...
  18. P

    Insomnia posting

    I've been up since 3am posting. I can't sleep (again). I figured the internet might help. But I am still here. Wide awake. Who has insomnia cures?
  19. P

    3, 5 or 10 Level - What are your favourite Prestige Classes?

    Kind of an odd question but I want to see if anyone else think like i do. I really like the 5 level prestige classes. I'm not 100% sure why as is does encourage a lot of multiclassing. I think I like them because while they usually have some really good abilities I haven't found any yet that...
  20. P

    PC Death when the player isn't there

    In the last session I DMed a PC was killed. The player of the PC hasn't been to the game since last November but has recently said he would like to come back. I didn't go out of my way to kill the character and rarely kill characters in general (but there have been 2 PC deaths in this campaign...