• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. drow

    Ryan Dancey -- Hasbro Cannot Deauthorize OGL

    let's be honest, if the OGL /did/ include the word "unrevokable", who doesn't think that some lawyer could be paid to argue that it can still be "rescinded", "annulled", or "disintegrated" lacking the opposites of those particular thesaurus entries? its all banter and wordplay until its before...
  2. drow

    Which of these would you like to see in 2015 from WotC?

    i'd love to see 5e go OGL. more settings, whether established (greyhawk, eberron, ravenloft) or new gets my second vote. and i'll throw a vote for dragon and dungeon, too. although i'm a happy Gygax magazine subscriber so that's not as important to me.
  3. drow

    How to Flesh out a City

    if you look at a lot of large medieval cities, its apparent that they're really just a lot of small villages smashed together, and its much easier to approach it that way.
  4. drow

    Treasure Parcels

    my group has responded a lot better to handing out more treasure but less powerful magic items (i.e. nothing of higher level than the PCs themselves) than they ever did to the parcel system as-writ (which tends to award a small number of relatively more powerful items). this is precisely the...
  5. drow

    Share something Cool

    donjon; D&D 4e Tools
  6. drow

    What name would you like the next iteration of D&D to bear?

    now with more chronomancy Dungeons and Dragons 5.5 / Apple / 26
  7. drow

    What name would you like the next iteration of D&D to bear?

    Dungeons & Dragons Dungeons & Dragons on the cover. everyone will call it 5e, but who cares. alternatively, Dungeons & Dragons Aeofel.Elhromane.die.die.die (wil is cool!)
  8. drow

    Alternatives to the Death Save

    i think it would be fitting for the death shade to be a shadowfell version of the same monster which slew the PC in the first place. if you got punked by an orc, you face a shadowy, emaciated orc wielding a scythe. if you got nuked by a dragon, you face a skeletal dragon shrouded by wisps of...
  9. drow

    Elements of Magic: Revised -- free patch available!

    ah, most excellent. thanks! :)
  10. drow

    If you were head of WotC what would you do?

    spend three years and thirty million dollars writing a fully scalable, object-oriented d20 system. oo-d20 would include a system for creating new races and classes which inheirit from existing race and class objects (including multiple inheiritance and a rational system for stacking spellcaster...
  11. drow

    Elements of Magic: Revised -- free patch available!

    is there any way for those of us who purchased EoMr but don't own a PC and can't run the patch .exe to get a patched copy of the PDF?
  12. drow

    [DRM] - Put your money where your mouth is!

    i bought the revised Elements of Magic the other day, since it looks like i might not be able to pick up Legacy of the Dragons in PDF like i'd wanted to this month. also sent email to RPGNow thanking them for staying clear of DRM.
  13. drow

    Will you be purchasing PDFs from DriveThruRPG?

    bih i'm not buying anything from them. i'll miss being able to pick up some malhavoc stuff, but oh well. companies have to learn to stop fearing the boogey-man of piracy, and indulging them in DRM games doesn't help anyone.
  14. drow


    Ghostwalk is the type of product which either makes you go "eh", or changes every campaign you will ever DM again. I am definitely in the latter group. Ghostwalk found me at just the right time, and filled a need in my developing campaign that I'd just begun to consider. The concept, in a...