Search results

  1. mhacdebhandia

    Do Awards affect your Shopping habits?

    No, you've misinterpreted my post. The main value of the ENnie awards is to the companies whose products are nominated and recognised with awards. They are the only people who benefit in any real way, by having interest raised and by increasing their general prestige in the industry. Compared...
  2. mhacdebhandia

    No new adventures?

    The Ravenloft Roleplaying Game is a standalone product like the Gamma World Roleplaying Game, so it will almost certainly have a) an adventure or two inside and b) be followed up with "add-ons" like the Famine in Far-Go product for Gamma World.
  3. mhacdebhandia

    Do Awards affect your Shopping habits?

    I think you're right - but this goes to show that awards are something companies have a vested interest in promoting, not something to which customers/players/fans should necessarily pay much attention. This is, of course, no different from the Academy Awards or the Country Music Awards or...
  4. mhacdebhandia

    Essentials - Will you be getting it?

    How can you possibly be on a forum like EN World and not know that this picture you paint is completely and utterly divorced from reality? We knew exactly what each of the 10 Essentials products were a month ago, dude. Starter set, two 1-30 player books, DM's kit, Rules Compendum, Monster...
  5. mhacdebhandia

    Essentials - Will you be getting it?

    I have a bit of a mixed approach to the Essentials line. I play Fourth Edition; it's my preferred edition of the game. I'll be picking up the Starter Set not because I want to try an all-Essentials version of the game, or even so that I can have an easy-to-use intro for new players, but...
  6. mhacdebhandia

    Do Awards affect your Shopping habits?

    I complete ignore awards when considering which games to purchase. Self-selected fan-voted awards like the ENnies are especially cut out of my decision-making process; they're only representative of the tastes and enthusiasm of the people who vote for them. I doubt my particular tastes are in...
  7. mhacdebhandia

    Can Warforged get laid?

    No, and nor would they want to. There's no biological urge. Even if you gave them the equipment to participate in sexual intercourse with a humanoid partner, they'd feel no pleasure from it. I think this sort of thing - and the lack of any physical sex*, as opposed to mental gender - is part of...
  8. mhacdebhandia

    Preview of the new D&D COmic!

    I don't know about anyone from Eureka being involved with John Rogers's gaming group, but Amy Berg (writer and co-executive producer from season 4 onwards) worked on Leverage as a writer and producer for the first two seasons. I don't think anyone has brought it up directly, but John Rogers...
  9. mhacdebhandia

    Future of D&D Miniatures

    There's an opportunity to tie in with the D&D Essentials line - provide miniatures for all of the "classic" monsters included in the Monster Vault and other such products. The Monster Vault will already have tokens for them, but still.
  10. mhacdebhandia

    World Building - Is there a "Moral Order" in your Setting?

    I don't typically take an active position on "the ultimate truth of reality" in my games, because it's not as interesting to me as what people in the setting believe. I don't use alignments as metaphysical forces of morality, though, so I guess I am taking a position against that. Ultimately I...
  11. mhacdebhandia

    No more WotC Star Wars - announcement

    Yes, I am, because the kind of money you can make by publishing a tabletop roleplaying game means nothing compared to the money you can make by publishing an MMO - which routinely have budgets and production schedules in excess of those allowed to the biggest film productions. If Star Wars: The...
  12. mhacdebhandia

    No more WotC Star Wars - announcement

    Even leaving aside the fact that no-one's going to carve the tabletop roleplaying game rights out of the license Hasbro has from Lucasfilm, Lucasfilm has no reason to bring the license fee down. It's an expensive proposition for them because they really do have staff look everything over, and...
  13. mhacdebhandia

    Dark Sun info from DDXP

    There's nothing Forgotten Realms-specific about swordmages; they're just published in the Forgotten Realms Player's Guide. It's not like the dark pact for warlocks is FR-specific, either. Artificers, I think, are more appropriate for Eberron, where magic is treated more like a science than in...
  14. mhacdebhandia

    No more WotC Star Wars - announcement

    More to the point, as Gareth-Michael Skarka said over on RPGnet, is the fact that Lucasfilm and Hasbro have extended the Star Wars licensing deal until 2018 or 2020 (reports vary), and there is zero chance that the tabletop roleplaying game rights will be carved out of that package for another...
  15. mhacdebhandia

    Do Demon Lords/Dukes of Hell grant spells to worshippers as gods do?

    In Eberron, the source of divine magic is impossible to determine with any real confidence. Worshippers of the various religions generally believe that the gods exist and grant spells, but even they can't deny that some people who don't worship gods at all, or who worship non-deific entities...
  16. mhacdebhandia

    Interesting Post by Mearls on

    You have no standing whatsoever to do that.
  17. mhacdebhandia

    How do you become a god?

    In my campaign settings, no-one can become a god. I've never thought it was an interesting part of the D&D experience. In published settings, where it's theoretically possible? I don't expect to ever have to account for it given the people with whom I play, but in Eberron for instance it's...
  18. mhacdebhandia

    Setting with no humans (or other fantasy races)

    There's no bait-and-switch, of course, if you say "I want to run a game of D&D with no humans."
  19. mhacdebhandia

    Do you play RPGs at conventions?

    Not just "no", but "hell no". I don't enjoy playing with people I don't know, and I don't see the point of taking a group of friends to game at a convention when we could game on our own time for free.
  20. mhacdebhandia

    So what are the thoughts on the RPGA?

    As far as I am concerned, the RPGA may as well not exist. I don't know what value it has to Wizards of the Coast aside from the obvious (but not obviously meaningful) concrete numbers of active D&D players they can provably claim, but since I have no interest in playing in or running "public"...