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    Tabletop games raised twice as much as video games on Kickstarter in 2015

    Jay Little just posted this to his Facebook. It's pretty remarkable.
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    The Player Appreciation Thread

    You know, here and on a lot of other places 'round the 'net GMs get a lot of credit. It's the thankless job. The bulk of the game rests upon the GMs shoulders, etc. I do not dispute these things. However, as I look back over the past ten years, I've been really damn lucky to have some of the...
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    Pathfinder 1E Using the Pathfinder System for an Alternate Setting - Anyone doing it?

    Back when 4e was announced, a friend of mine and I started making our own campaign world, based on some of the tenants of 4th Edition as it was outlined in the promotion books. The points of light theme. Tieflings and dragonborn being part of the setting's ecology from the beginning. A grittier...
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    Effect of WotC's PDF policy on on-line stores?

    You know, I am a bit concerned about what WotC policy for PDFs will do for on-line stores like RPGnow. After all, WotC controls the bulk of the market share. So, if I'm an on-line store, and my biggest seller suddenly pulls their product from my line up...I've now lost a lot of revenue...
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    What's Wrong with the Railroad?

    I've been mulling this over for a while, and there seems to be a strong resistance and dislike for railroad-type games. This dislike has manifested on a number of threads all over the web and on podcasts. I guess it's part of the current gamer zeitgeist. My question is - what's necessarily...
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    Origins - Swordmage is full of win

    I just got back from Origins and I got to play the Swordmage in some of the 4e scenarioes they had set up for the convention. The modules I played in were written by Mearls, as some of you already know, so that was pretty fun too: basically, I got to play a Mearls module for 6$ rather than the...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 3e Made Me Into a Gronard

    I was doing some design work for a game company that I work for and coming up with new abilities for characters for an expansion book. I sent my material over to our playtesting group and they ripped my stuff apart as usual. No surprise there. But I got the most interesting comment from them...
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    D&D 4E Preparing for 4e - What campaign will you run?

    Well, the title says it all. For those of you planning to run 4e, what are you planning to do? What kind of campaign do you have set up? What are you cooking? For myself, I'm not overly fond of their fluff, but I love their crunch. So what I'm doing is working on a campaign that is...
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    [CoC] Difference in Call of Cthulu Editions?

    Quick question: I recently picked up CoC 5th edition. I got an older book from the 90's. What's the difference between this edition and the current one?