• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. T

    What is a Character?

    I cannot seem to find it. And I do not have my books on me at the moment. but what is the glossary definition of 'character?' I saw an ability the other day that specified 'character' in it. Does that mean has class levels a la NPC, or PC? because otherwise they are 'monsters' Or...
  2. T

    The legacy of the Banehills

    The mounts pawed the ground anxiously. For miles around the peaks of the city of Tricondus could be seen, and the black keep that arched its towers toward the sky like grasping claws. It had once been ruled by vampires. Driven out by the first of the kings of men. The first of the...
  3. T

    Item stories

    Ever made an item that just put your players in wonder, and that they lusted to own. Or just something really cool? Here's the place to tell your tales about the most exciting hmbrew items that you have ever created, or failing that, that you've seen. First me; One fateful day in a homebrew...
  4. T

    Seeking Players in San Jose, Ca area

    I'm starting a group in San Jose, I have several different worlds I could run, so I'm flexible to preference, I just want to get a game going again, and the least amount of players I could see playing is three, so, If you need a group and your in the area, feel free to post, If your in the...