• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

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    [xkcd] Someone must start a campaign using this map

    p0rn is the sun for this world. Giver of life and nasty burns.
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    7th Layer of Hell is called...

    Chuck E Cheese on a weekend
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    [Dread] Jenga beat up my dice! My results from the indie horror RPG.

    The block tower to build suspense is genius. Perfect for the genre. I think that incorporating some type of character defining q'naire (the 13 questions) is something that could be added to any RPG immediately. What a great way to help people new to role playing to get into character. I suspect...
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    A Question About Eric Noah

    Eric Noah left his boat on a mountain in Turkey.
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    Why did the era of primordial evil end?

    Term Limits
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    Ever had a player in your group throw a tantrum or worse? Most uncomfortable moment?

    Back in High School my friends and I were in a group DM'd by one of the teachers. Then my friend's character died. She said, "No, not Blackleaf...."
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    Decline of RPG sales

    In reply to Diaglo about the experience of the two VPs - Joe Hauck was involved with MtG in marketing positions for quite a while before becomming VP. He was also a long time D&D player. I do not believe he worked on D&D before getting the VP role though. Cornelius Lee came from outside of...
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    Charles Ryan (and others) out at WotC?

    Compare Notes on WOTC Research Job Warbringer and Kenobi65 - I would be very interested in comparing notes about the Research position at WOTC. PM or E-mail will both work for me. Charles - sorry to her about the layoff. Your presence here went a long way to putting a human face on WOTC. Good...