Search results

  1. N

    "Caped Investigators" (Risus) Saturday 8PM - Midnight

    Clueless, JoeBlank, FyreHowl, and DaveStebbins it looks like we have enough for another game. I'm going to be on site from first thing Friday through mid day Sunday. I'm currently scheduled for games on Friday afternoon and all three slots on Sat. If ya'll want to try to find a time, feel free...
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    Hellboy Homebrew - The Antichrist Engines Saturday 9a-1p

    Confirmed! Not sure if you tried to update the thread title or not, but it shows 2-6 for me still.
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    "Caped Investigators" (Risus) Saturday 8PM - Midnight

    Done! If we can get a few more folks interested, I'll just schedule another game if we can all agree on a time. Otherwise we'll work it out at camp.
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    Hellboy Homebrew - The Antichrist Engines Saturday 9a-1p

    Mark Causey, I'm running a game on Saturday night. If you're willing to move to Sat AM then sign me up! Sounds like you could sign up Henry as well.
  5. N

    Hellboy Homebrew - The Antichrist Engines Saturday 9a-1p

    Hey Mark, I'm currently booked for this time slot. Do you think you'll get to run it at any other time? Perhaps a pickup game if we can find the players?
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    "Caped Investigators" (Risus) Saturday 8PM - Midnight

    Hey Clueless, I'm afraid that 5 folks is the max for this game. I'll put you on the wait list and, as I said above, if there's interest in running this as a pick-up I'd be happy to oblige.
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    Fiasco Saturday 2pm-6pm - FULL

    I'd love to get in another round of Fiasco! Count me in.
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    Friday 2-6 Old School Hack "Frost Queen of the Ice Peaks"

    I always love a game of Old School Hack. Count me in.
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    "Caped Investigators" (Risus) Saturday 8PM - Midnight

    1940. War rages across Europe. The Great Depression still grips America. In the city of Boston, ordinary folks eke out a living under the thumb of made men and corrupt officials. Like the tides at her port, the people flow in and out of her bordellos, bars, and churches, leaving the occasional...
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    D&D 4E Running player commentary on PCat's 4E Campaign - Heroic tier (finished)

    Ah, OK. Our combats seem to take more rounds and we have 6 players. Several of those players are new to the game and tend to agonize over decisions, so we're not doing as bad time-wise as I thought.
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    D&D 4E Running player commentary on PCat's 4E Campaign - Heroic tier (finished)

    This is an awesome thread. I should start posting some of the write-ups from my Wildlands game on ENWorld. A quick question about the length of combat: How many rounds are your combats, on average? I'm finding that combats in 4e take just about as long as they did in 3e (real time) but last for...
  12. N

    NC Game Day XIX (April 25-26): GenCon Jr. Rides Again!

    Well, we'll just have to find some TX game days to crash. Or I'll get my act together and go to gencon. I can't go forever without halfling musketeers. We'll do more than try. Let me know when you'll be up and we'll do something.
  13. N

    Buff or Attack

    You're probably better off attacking, unless the buff benefits the entire party. I usually throw out a buff in the third round or so, because if the combat has gone on that long it might be worth the resource expenditure. This is one of the main reason that psionics are so popular, especially...
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    NC Game Day XIX (April 25-26): GenCon Jr. Rides Again!

    Well, I have good news and I have bad news. First the bad news: I will not be able to make game day this year. Amber will be attending Tufts in the fall so we're saving everything for her tuition. But the good news: starting in August or September of 2010, Amber and I will be moving back to...
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    Boston Area Gaming Group Seeking Members

    riled, I need your e-mail in order to keep you in the scheduling loop. Could you e-mail me using ENWorld or post your e-mail in the thread? Thanks, Matt
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    Boston Area Gaming Group Seeking Members

    At first glance it looks like they'll work pretty well. However, if you have a cool idea for a deity, or want to port one from another setting, I'd be happy to consider it. The setting is very minimalistic at the moment; we'll add details as needed.
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    Boston Area Gaming Group Seeking Members

    Just sent the e-mail I just sent the e-mail out to everyone that I could contact via ENWorld. Here is the message, for redundancy (yay, redundancy!) If you did not receive this e-mail, please contact me via e-mail using my profile page ( or post...
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    Boston Area Gaming Group Seeking Members

    I don't have my notes in front of me or I'd let you know right now. I'll send out the specifics in a day or two. :)
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    Boston Area Gaming Group Seeking Members

    Watertown is only 15 minutes or so from us when we go to the Arsenal Mall area. Missing a weekend here and there is perfectly fine by me, especially if you are only interested in the summer. So, it looks like we've got quite a few people interested, at least for the Summer game. I'm running a...
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    Boston Area Gaming Group Seeking Members

    Absolutely! We haven't gamed in a few weeks now due to a busy schedule on my part. Hopefully we will have a game next weekend. I'll e-mail you as soon as I have something concrete.