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  1. NeuroZombie

    NeuroZombie's Savage Worlds Character Sheet

    NeuroZombie submitted a new resource: NeuroZombie's Savage Worlds Character Sheet - A simple character sheet for Savage Worlds SWEX Read more about this resource...
  2. NeuroZombie

    NeuroZombie's Savage Rifts Character Sheet

    NeuroZombie submitted a new resource: NeuroZombie's Savage Rifts Character Sheet - Simple Savage Rifts Character sheet for SWEX Read more about this resource...
  3. NeuroZombie

    [4e] First Campaign, Looking for Insight

    Hello All! I am just getting prepped to run my first 4e campaign and I was just looking for a little insight on setting things up, adjusting for party size (7 Players) and any pitfalls that anyone else has discovered in running 4e. I myself have been playing/GM'ing D&D for nearly 25 years...
  4. NeuroZombie

    Sarasota/Bradenton, FL - Nearly Any game

    Hello, I am looking for a group for my wife and I to join, or players who would like to form a new group. We are in Sarasota but will trek to Bradenton. We are only looking for mature groups who like to have fun. No rules lawyers please ;) We are both in the 30-40 age bracket, so playing...
  5. NeuroZombie

    Housing/HQ's in Sharn

    Let me preface this post with a link to my campaign post: here I am looking to give my PC's some options for an HQ for the campaign mentioned above for their Stormforge Agency adventuring/Merc/Investigation organization. I am, however, having a bit of a problem figuring out the cost per squre...
  6. NeuroZombie

    [Help] Eberron Adventures past Grasp of....

    Let me preface this post by saying that I am a DM of nearly 20 years and currently have just about enough time to read one module (maybe all of it...LOL) before play begins and I am just looking for a few ideas to keep my campaign going past the Grasp of the Emerald Claw module. I am currently...
  7. NeuroZombie

    Wallpapering a Room

    My wife and I are about to embark on a strange journey (how strange was it? ... sorry RHPS in my head). We are going to wallpaer our second bathroom. Why am I bringing this up on these boards? I wanted to hear some advice. First off, this is not your normal "buy a roll of wallpaper. etc.."...
  8. NeuroZombie

    Original Psi HB vs. Revised?

    Hey all. I am curious as to how much has changed in the Revised Psi Handbook. I have the original, and I am planning an Eberron campaign at the moment, and was wanting to use the Kalashtar (sp?). Is there a real need for me to purchase the Revised Edition, or is it similar enough to the original?
  9. NeuroZombie

    Mini Search!

    Hey all, I am desperately looking for a mini for use with my PC. It is an Artathi (tiger-person) and I canot find a mini anywhere (still looking tho) that even comes close to my PC. He is a cleric, but he uses his claws and javelins exclusively. He also wears leather armor as one of his...
  10. NeuroZombie

    Eberron Fansites & Products?

    Hey all, I just got Eberron for x-mas and, having been away from these boards and D&D for a few months (on a BESM kick), I am out of the loop as far as what the community (and WotC) has been working on for the setting. Any good fan sites, adventures, etc.... out there, published or not?
  11. NeuroZombie

    Necronomicon 2004 - Tampa, FL, Anyone Goin?

    Just a post to see if there were anyone on the boards here in my neck of the woods that was going to the Necronomicon Convention in Tampa this year (Oct 15-17). The convention is a blast, lotsa parties, alchol, gaming, etc... I just bought Tix and my room for the little woman and I and got to...
  12. NeuroZombie

    Desperation in Sarasota Florida!

    Man, every time I start to get a group together, the players decide to move out of state.... I swear I don't have BO! ANyway, I will run and play just about anything you may want to play. My wife and my 13 year old son play as well. I have nearly 20 yrs of RPG XPs. My email is in my profile...
  13. NeuroZombie

    T20 Homebrew Worlds?

    I am looking to possible start a Traveller D20 campaign in the near future (I have th core book) and was curious as to whether or not anyone has worked up some homebrews for the game. What I am looking for is something that strays a bit from Canon, possibly even an entirely new Setting for the...
  14. NeuroZombie

    Scorched: Mediocre Comedy Movie w/ Major DnD Refernces

    Just wanted to gives a heads up on the movie Scorched, w/Rachel Lee Cooke, Alicia Silverstone, John Cleese & Woody Harrelson. The movie is basically a second string heist comedy, not bad, but not great either. What was cool, however, was the DnD references throught the earlier part of the...
  15. NeuroZombie

    Unreal Tournament 2004...

    Is anyone else addicted to the demo yet? I have never been a big fan of the first person shooter, of course I haven't played one since wolfenstein and the first quake, but I found the demo to be absolutely awesome!
  16. NeuroZombie

    Mark Forums Read????

    First off, let me say that I love the new boards for the most part. I do, however, have one problem, and that is the fact that there is no (or I cannot find) a "mark forums read" button or link for individual forums. I did find the "mark forums read" link under quick links, but that marks ALL...
  17. NeuroZombie

    Unique City-Based Locations for "Planar" City

    I have always wanted to run a city-based campaign, so I am in the process of creating a city for that reason. It is still in its infancy, so bear with me. The city is called (at least for now) Sraosha, The City of All-Worlds, and is basically a large island within a demi-plane somewhat akin to...
  18. NeuroZombie

    PDF Comic w/D20 Gaming Material, Interested?

    Hello all, An artist friend of mine had recently asked about working on a comic together, I would write, letter and color it and he would draw/ink it. He also asked me if I knew anything about publishing, and honestly, the only thing I am familiar with is PDF publishing. My question to all...
  19. NeuroZombie

    Player Looking for a Game

    Hello all, I am interested in getting into a fantasy pbp on these boards, but it appears that no one is looking for players. If that is not actually the case, please let me know if you have room for one more. I have been playing face to face since the old red boxes were relatively new...
  20. NeuroZombie

    FR Adventure Help

    Hello all! I am about to start a new FR campaign with a few newbies and a few relatively experienced players and I am looking for a few FR specific adventures to throw in the mix with a meta-plot that is currently percolating in my head. I am starting with Golgoldands Gauntlet to sort of ease...