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  1. C

    Sun God...with a twist. Ideas?

    In brief: I want my new campaign world to have a monotheistic religion, with the deity being a Sun God. This choice is made for a variety of reasons, mostly flavour - it'll be a hot, dry land, so a Sun God just fits. But, Sun Gods are a bit hackneyed (in D&D and in RL), so my question is...
  2. C

    To cast, you need Catalyst. Implementation?

    In my brewing campaign world, arcane magic will be impossible without the assistance of a powdered metal, called Catalyst (imaginative, no? :p ). This substance will be mined in a specific area of the campaign world, and control over the the mining and distribution of Catalyst will be a hot...
  3. C

    So what's YOUR world's 'hook'?

    IIRC, 'Dungeoncraft' by Ray Winninger demands that every campaign setting have it's point (or points) of distinction, so that it has a hook that will draw the players into the setting. So, a good hook might be that dwarves have subjugated all other races and rule them with an oppressive...
  4. C

    Campaign fluff - plz read and comment!

    Ok, bare bones of my campaign world: * PCs live in a small village at the edge of a peaceful & prosperous land. * There has been no serious military threat to the nation for centuries. * Nation is reasonably magic-rich: e.g. mages have mastered art of constructing fixed portals through which...
  5. C

    Homebrew campaign map idea

    It seems to me that an easy way to make a map for your homebrew campaign area would just be to get hold of a topographical map of an area of the real world. Then you couldn't help but have a realistic map, with rivers and mountain ranges where they should be, and the work of determining climate...
  6. C

    Where, oh where, to go for homebrew feedback?

    There used to be a forum here for people to talk about their homebrew campaign worlds, if memory serves... Is there still such a forum out there, perhaps on another site? Basically I'm looking to get some feedback on my homebrew world, which is currently under construction. Thankee lots.