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  1. DayTripper

    OUT OF THE ABYSS Preorders Live

    BTW: £31.72 is the UK price on Amazon.
  2. DayTripper

    Do You Read This News?

    I always read the news page, not so much for the D&D but more for the other interesting stuff that other games companies are doing, kickstarter projects, etc.
  3. DayTripper

    My 8-point Agenda [for gaming]

    Some good insights here. I don't really have a computer gamer mindset so it never really occurred to me that there might be an acquistional approach that might also drive people not to have fun! I've often thought that "newer" gamers from video gaming take a different approach to "older"...
  4. DayTripper

    My 8-point Agenda [for gaming]

    See discussion above.
  5. DayTripper

    Iron Age Monsters

    Celtic and Viking mythos is also relevant to the Iron Age, so plenty to go at there - giants, undead, trolls, faerie etc.
  6. DayTripper

    My 8-point Agenda [for gaming]

    Fun is essential - why play any game/sport/pasttime other than for fun - but I think that if the 8 principles outlined above are adhered to then fun will emerge because everyone will be actively participating in the game, employing their creativity and thereby having fun. The list isn't for...
  7. DayTripper

    My 8-point Agenda [for gaming]

    (with apologies to The Herbaliser featuring Latyrx) Over the years I have gone through phases of mixing with other gamers, going to conventions, dabbling in organised play, trying out different RPG clubs & games. My experiences may not be as extensive as others but are probably more than most...
  8. DayTripper

    Sic Pixie's Carrion Crown Adventure Path

    Is this a home grown adventure now or are you still running pre-written stuff?
  9. DayTripper

    Trials of Tarlock

    Oerth, Flanaess, Vesve Forest, Starday 15th Readying CY585 Observing the bullywug camp from the undergrowth, it became obvious to the 3 adventurers that there was only 2 realistic ways to gain access to the camp and find out what was really going on. They could either sneak in or talk their...
  10. DayTripper

    Trials of Tarlock

    This story hour is supported by blog entries for further background, explanation and crunch behind the campaign -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oerth, Flanaess, Vesve Forest, Earthday 13th Readying CY585 As the Greyhawk Wars drift into a negotiated...
  11. DayTripper

    Review of Dungeons & Dragons (2-Movie Collection)

    Just awful, awful films...
  12. DayTripper

    Brainstorming: Search the Deep Library!

    Cool. Fancy posting your skill challenge to see what it finally looked like?
  13. DayTripper

    Played Basic D&D for the first time in over 20 years last night...

    Not too sure how you've managed the first feat but kudos to you! Not too sure how you manage the second feat either you must play with very decisive people... Back to the subject of the thread though, has anyone taken OD&D through a campaign? I'm wondering how it plays out in the longer term...
  14. DayTripper

    Guilty Admissions...

    Hi, my name is Daytripper and I... 1. secretly prefer playing v3.5 to 4e 2. spent too much time power gaming as a kid instead of reading the rules and actually playing the game properly and now regret wasting that time as now I have none due to RL :( 3. avoid literature that comes in volumes of...
  15. DayTripper

    The Evil Merchants of Venice

    City campaigns are tricky, especially for a first timer, as you can't have everything in the city pre-designed so the PCs are bound to catch you out sooner or later by asking for something you've not thought of - shop, contact, inn name, etc. Be sure to have some reference material ready that...
  16. DayTripper

    D&D 4E Running player commentary on PCat's 4E Campaign - Heroic tier (finished)

    Similarly, I used to have the opinion of "you bought it so tough luck" but have shifted considerably in the 4e era - not sure if that is because of the change of edition or whether I've mellowed in my old age... In my last campaign, I allowed the player to effectively rebuild their character...
  17. DayTripper

    Brainstorming: Search the Deep Library!

    We did a library search skill challenge recently. Worked quite well, took place over a couple of days and used skills like: - Arcana, the obvious one to understand the library classification system, understand books, scrolls, etc - Perception, spotting collections of books, noting class...
  18. DayTripper

    suggestions for my game(what do you think?)

    For zombie apocalypse try taking a leaf out of the Expedition to Castle Ravenloft hooks: in one hook Strahd is trying to do a similar thing and he had crafted a type of zombie that infects people with zombism too (and once they have become zombies they can also infect people) all you then have...
  19. DayTripper

    could the group survive?

    Yes. Randomly finding a demi-lich in a shop would always be unfair IMHO. Mostly because demi-liches are increadibly rare, uber-tough creatures that should be the focus a whole adventure, if not campaign, rather than a random encounter. I couldn't see how an average 13-14th level party could...
  20. DayTripper

    Virtual Tabletop Solutions?

    Yup - RPTools in combination with skype (voice and video if your bandwidth can stand it) is the best solution I've seen so far. I've tried Fantasy Grounds and ScreenMonkey but RPTool's quality and price (its free!) means that it beats the others hands down. Its not 4e specific but I use...