Search results

  1. palleomortis

    Some Directions please!

    I'm looking to buy any 3.5 books that people are getting rid of. I'm in rather desperate need of expanding my collection. I've looked around the boards for a minute now and can't seem to find the appropriate catagory to post this in, is there any way I could get some direction as to where on the...
  2. palleomortis

    Union, (LaGrande) Oregon (DnD 3.5)

    We welcome any that would like to join. Granted, we don't play by all the rules (In more than just the literal terms), and we may seem like we're a few cards short of the deck of many things, but we're more than welcome to acomadate anyone that would like to learn, or simply come and game...
  3. palleomortis

    Your accumulated 3.x list?

    I'm wondering what everyone else has managed to include in their 3.x list (Particularly WotC, but others too). Hers's mine: Unknown assorted Dragon Mags. WotC: Complete Warrior Heros of Battle Cityscape Races of stone Libris Mortis Complete Arcane Manual of the Planes Sandstorm Races of the...
  4. palleomortis

    Campaign plans

    I'm realizing more and more how unorthodox my group seems to be. I'm wondering if this is just me, or it it's true. So, how many of you DMs actually have a campaign planned out when you start your game? Or at least, how many of you have a campaign plan period?
  5. palleomortis

    Back to basics

    So, recently I let all 2 of my players go wild, and make whatever they could think of as PCs. mind you, we have a weird group, so we did come up with some weird things, despite the seemingly non-existant restrictions I applied. We have a half-dragon-gnoll, and a ... big barbarian...thing. :P...
  6. palleomortis

    A successful game?

    How do you gage the successfulness of a campaign or round about as a DM? I have pushed my PC's to think, to a degree anyways, and put them in situations that test their PC's strength and push it to the limits. Several times now they've been through combats (Key decideing combats, not just little...
  7. palleomortis

    Instant kill

    I am a rather new DM, but I've played for a while. The only problem is, we nevered bothered too much to stick exactly with the rules. No complaints, but now I'm not sure wich "rules" were really there, and wich ones were made up. So what is the basis for an instant kill? I thought that three...
  8. palleomortis

    D20 Modern money/wealth bonus

    Ok, so I'm kinda wondering how this is supposed to work out. With the wealth bonuse in the basic D20 Modern from WOTC, how do I account for actuall wealth? Do I constantly convert money to wealth bonuses? How do transactions effect the wealth bonus of a player? Do I simply subtrace the number of...
  9. palleomortis

    Favorite 3.5 book

    If I had a list of all of the books I'd have made a poll, but that seems a little out of my range of knowledge :P. So, anyways, wich book from the D&D 3.5e was your favorite? And if there's a specific reason, that'd be nice. Personally, I would have to say either Draconium (Becuase...of the...
  10. palleomortis

    D&D haters???

    I live in a smaller town, with the "small town-polotics", wich consiquintly leads to there being several people who do not like D&D. Basically, they take a stong opposition to it, for "no reason". Granted the "people" I'm referring to are more specifically several friends, and parents of friends...
  11. palleomortis

    How soon will you switch?

    How soon will you switch/upgrade to 4e? (and Maybe why)
  12. palleomortis

    New modern game

    I plan to start a D20 modern game with my group. Granted, I have little to no knowlede (more on the "no" side), of how the d20 modern system works. This being a first time, I though I would ask you guys what usually makes for the best games and campaigns. Should I include modern day events (I.E...
  13. palleomortis

    This Means WAR!!!! (My players stay OUT!)

    I have several characters that are going to end up in a "little" war, he he. I was wondering how you guys handle large group wars, and things of the such. Do you actually roll for most of the people or groups, or just let them all kinda die, or...?
  14. palleomortis

    "Hey look, a distraction!"

    Basically self explanitory. We (My gamming group) have the unfortunate tendancy to be distracted at the slightest thing. One joke turns into ten, wich sparks a conversation, wich... and so on. Just wondering what you guys do to keep out the needless delays.
  15. palleomortis

    Computer Dice rollers

    Call me an idiot, but I never really liked the idea of a computer "randomly" rolling for you. It seems to me, that the outcome would be one of two things. 1) The rolls would have been pre-generated based on, or copied from, real dice rolls. Wich, to me, seems un-natural to have a premade list...
  16. palleomortis

    Online Multi-person Grid-worked Whiteboards.

    I've been looking for an online whiteboard to use for internet games, but wasn't having too much luck finding a good one. Not sure how many of you guys actually need one, but this one is AWSOME. Works just right, has optional grids for background, different colors for all drawing on the board...
  17. palleomortis

    DM Screen

    Mostly out of curiosity, what do your DM screens look like, or do you have them? If you would be so kind as to reveal your great secrets ;) about what you put on your screen, or simply attach a screen, it would be nice. Thanx.
  18. palleomortis

    Idiot queston

    I know this should be obviouse, but I have unfortunate ability to make the wrong calls on even the most plain of rules. When a wizard prepares an extra spell for his specialization, does he get a bonus sper per day, or merely a spell that he can trade out for another? Basically, does he get a...
  19. palleomortis

    Looking for Dungeon maps

    I'm looking for an online map of a good, complex, dungeon. I need multiple stories, and any neat little tricks are always great. I'm not very nit-picky about it, just need it to fill space in a game time-line. Any and all help is much appreciated. Of coure, I would score the net myself, but I...
  20. palleomortis

    Wu Jen and Wizard spell books

    Can a Wu Jen and a basic Wizard share spells from their books? I'm checking only becuase they are, after all, different styles, yet both deal with books and can trade and add spells from other Wu Jen and Wizards. Thnx. Palleo