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  1. G

    Need scope help

    I'm working on a range system for my SMART game engine (formally known as Nexus D20). Instead of having different ranges for different types of personal weapons I decided to reverse it and have a series of range bands and the levels that they max out at. So the ranges are based on a human trying...
  2. G

    Alternate economy

    I'm working on an alternate Star Trek with a different economy than normally listed. Basically the idea is that the Federation has a centralized market index with the values set based on certain factors, such as the basic cost of food. It does not experience any fluctuations. Wages, benefits, as...
  3. G

    Need help for Explosives rules

    I apologize if this subject bothers someone, especially after the bombings in NY. I'm working on explosives rules for my Nexus D20 rules. I need some help. My rules use a general range scale instead of range increments and I want to convert explosives to the same chart. This is what I have so...
  4. G

    Assembler rules

    I am working on rules for assemblers (or 3d printers or minifacs or whatever you want to call them) for my game. My idea is to have a cost for the assemblers and then which items that type of assembler can produce. Then you don't have to pay for those items. For instance, if you have a basic...
  5. G

    Anyone know about telecoms or internet architecture?

    I am working on the hacking rules for my system and I have a generalized table I need feedback on. Some of this has to do with higher tech levels but of the things that would be in this tech level does this look correct or does something need to be moved up or down? Computer Scale Chip...
  6. G

    Need military training help

    Okay I have a basic template for each service and a list of MOSs. What I need to know is what would produce what. For example Basic Marine = Marine Template + Infantryman MOS Marine Sniper = Marine Template + Infantryman MOS + Sniper MOS Marine Sargent = Marine Template + Infantryman MOS + ...
  7. G

    Need ideas for Science!

    I am working on the science rules and I wanted to see if anyone has any ideas. Here is the system I have so far: Science Check Basic: Basic scientific concepts Easy (10) – The Earth is round. Moderate (15) – The Earth goes around the Sun. Difficult (25) – Evolution is a fact...
  8. G

    Need American Revolution Naval help

    I am starting on the American Revolution era for my game and I need some help from someone who knows about ships during that time. Anyone here know about it or can someone suggest another forum? I need about 10 representative ships from that time. I've found lists of ships but I don't know...
  9. G

    Alternate Star Wars Tech Level

    This is mostly just for fun but I thought someone else might find it interesting. I've got a slightly different tech level progression for my game and I decided to use it to create a different style Star Wars. Some of the notes wont make sense. Don;t worry about them. Tell me what you think...
  10. G

    Can't add link in signature

    I changed my website and now I can't seem to add the link in my signature as a link. I have the address listed but I can't figure out how to actually link it anymore. Any ideas?
  11. G

    Need help checking scaling of wound levels

    I know that these kinds of things are subjective but I need some feedback anyway. I am working on my Nexus D20 system and I am reworking the scale system to fix a problem at the top. I want to make sure that these numbers seem right at the lower end as well. The way that the scale system works...
  12. G

    TNT scale

    I just came up with an idea. I have a large scale system that goes from mice all the way up to gas giants. I decided to use the various levels of TNT to make sure that the scale system progresses correctly and I can use it for a real world reference. Basically I am looking for a table that has...
  13. G

    Need help with Nukes and Mass Drivers

    I am working on planetary scale combat for very high tech levels for my Nexus D20 system. I need to work out some details. I am working on nukes and trying to figure out the rules for those as well as mass drivers. Does anyone know of existing rules in a game for this? I need something that can...
  14. G

    Need help with a vehicle system

    I am working on a vehicle creation system for my game - Nexus D20 and I am a little stuck. I can't figure out what to charge for weapns in my game. This is what I have so far so you can have a reference pont. Any thoughts or feedback? Stellar Tech Vehicle Gear Vehicles are a large...
  15. G

    Vehicle Handling Rules - need military help

    I am working on vehicle handling rules for my Nexus D20 game system. I am using them partially as a way to keep the manuever ratings and skill ratings balanced out. I want them to reflect the difficulty to operating that kind of vehicle, the ones with lots of controls that need to be dealt with...
  16. G

    Prefix Problems

    I can't find a prefix for my posts about the game system I created any more. Can you add some generic prefixes back?
  17. G

    Need help with a concept

    I am working on an idea for my Nexus D20 game system. Originally I had Damage, Penetration, and Damage Resistance in my system. Penetration lowered Damage Resistance and the DR left would lower the Damage. (Before anyone asks I wont remove Penetration) Then you take the damage left over...
  18. G

    Modern Navy Help Needed

    I don't know that much about modern naval combat. I am looking for a list of manueverability ratings for various kinds of navy vessels. Anyone have any ideas or maybe know enough about ships to create a table?
  19. G

    Low Tech Manueverability

    I am still working on the manueverability tables for my Nexus D20 game and I was wondering if anyone had any feedback about this table: Does this look right? Any suggestions or corrections? Low Tech Vehicle Maneuverability Rating Examples 0...
  20. G

    Need help with damage levels

    I am working on my conversion of Star Wars to Nexus and I need to figure out something. I am trying to scale the weapons to the damage levels seen in the movies and get the feel right. My system uses a wound scale system. You have light, moderate, serious, heavy, and deadly. Obviously deadly...