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  1. LordNightwinter

    Next RPG to invest in, need some help.

    So I've been in the market for a new RPG. Not just something to pretty up my shelf, something my players and I will enjoy. So far my group is all about 5e. They enjoyed the story and world in Shadowrun but not the rules, too crunchy. So let's preface this question a little, I own quite a few...
  2. LordNightwinter

    The Funniest RPG Moment

    We've all had those moments much like Cards Against Humanity where you get that certain card combination that your brain has a hard time processing. The one you can't stop laughing at, you laugh so hard you cry. I've had quite a few at the RPG table. I could use a good laugh so share your...
  3. LordNightwinter

    Demiourgos, my dystopian fantasy novel is now out! Shameless Plug.

    So I've gotten around to plopping my fantasy novel out on and I figured I'd drop a shameless plug out here to the ENWorld community if you guys don't mind! Demiourgos Alethia Rose leads the mundane life of a sheltered slave in a dying world, a life that is irrevocably altered when...
  4. LordNightwinter

    Theoretical Dungeon Play By Post board looking for players

    Theoretical Dungeon is looking for more players. I am the board admin and right now we only have three play by post games active. Definitely room for more and absolutely more room for players! Any system you want to run we have a space or can make a space for!