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    Making minis that sell well, but NON RANDOM's not polite to brag. :p <drools>
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    Making minis that sell well, but NON RANDOM

    Soooort of. Yes, there are gamers - like you - who would say, "Blah. I already have all the (insert mook here) I need", and skip the line. But there are (hopefully) always new gamers, and there are more than a few people in the RPG hobby with a complete-ist, gotta-catch-em-all mentality. For...
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    Making minis that sell well, but NON RANDOM

    If I had the startup money, here's how I'd do it - I'd make an "evergreen" set, not unlike a "Core Set" from Magic: The Gathering. Commons would be figures everyone (well, okay, DMs) wants 10 of - orcs, goblins, kobolds, skeletons, wolves, gnolls, zombies and creatures on the low-to-mid level...
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    Heart Break and Heroines just passed 3k on kickstarter

    ...why do I feel like I missed something?
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    Heart Break and Heroines just passed 3k on kickstarter

    I ask this question in sincerity. If the stated intention is "inclusive" gaming, and in fact "feminist", the first line of this paragraph - - ...seems like a strange choice. If anyone knows the people involved in the project - or at least, involved in that little blurb - I'd be interesting...
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    Something, I think, Every GM/DM Should Read

    Re: The Rogue Example in that document... The problem here is that the Rogue's success (in the "classic" example) does not represent an excercise of skill; it represents the player being Clever. What if the man-at-arms, or wizard, had poured the water? Would they notice it flowing down? Or...
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    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Monster Hit Points

    50%, yes. But, they also eliminated or improved the bottom 20% of "core" Feats, getting rid of some trap options (Toughness and Skill Focus, I'm lookin' at you). They improved the classes that are most affected by poor optimization choices, so that they're "pretty good" out of the box. Also...
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    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Monster Hit Points

    This is my suspicion. I suspect - pretty strongly - that the Pathfinder values, if used with "unenhanced" characters from 3.5, would still be significantly more accurate. It was not unknown that, in 3.5 games I ran with "optimized" characters, CR 15+ creatures were taken down in one to two...
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    Oh, agreed. But the fact that you / they shouldn't, doesn't mean they don't, and doesn't mean the OP hasn't had (multiple, even) run-ins with those who take their character's alignment as an excuse to be a ... ... grandmother-unfriendly person.
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    Incarnates aren't dissimilar from Clerics and / or Paladins - they're governed by their alignment, and it colors their interactions with other characters. Just as some people will play Clerics and Paladins as strictly unable to have a coherent dialogue with someone their morally opposed to...
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    Castles are worthless against armies with mages?

    Based on my experiences - Castles can be appropriately defended by magic because both players and DMs want castles around. I'd agree with those arguing from the position that, RAW, castles don't seem very functional. Unless you're introducing a giant ton of new rules, yeah, high-level wizards...
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    When did WotC D&D "Jump the Shark"?

    As a non-4th-Edition person, listening to the 4th-Edition people talking recently, I'd say, "Now". But I'd also say, "Well, maybe." I think the analogy to "jump the shark" is actually apt. The "Jump the Shark" episode was when the creative center of Happy Days shifted - the moment the work...
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    OotS 787 is Up

    I do wish it had been the spiked-chain-half-Ogre. But it was pretty obvious it was Thog. And I agree with the above - it having been obvious made it no less funny. :p
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    Pathfinder 1E Louis Porter Jr. Design Has a New Pathfinder Shirt Idea

    LPJ appears guilty of the same crime I often find I've committed - not being funny. I can see where he thought this (including the reference to the 'webcomics killing newspapers') was hilarious. Because it's stupid. You don't - can't - kill WotC by playing Pathfinder. The two have...
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    Want Great Battlemaps? Get in here and get them on sale now.

    Agreed, actually; there's no such thing as a "generic" map for a dungeon. There might be generic maps for inns & taverns ("Hey, anyone else notice this place looks familiar?"), roads and 'forest', ("I know we've passed that tree stump before"), and maybe some other...
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    New DM looking for advice...

    First, don't make "perfect" the enemy of "good". As long a you and your players have fun, the fact that you're not a master thespian isn't that big a deal. Second, list out about 20-25 actors and / or fictional characters you know from movies - even better, two lists, one male, one female. Make...
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    The Peasants Have A New Sport

    I like this one. I'd consult with my Arcanist, first, and make sure that the "Thousand Years Of Slumber" does not include a "Unless Poked With Sharp Stick" clause. If there's a chance of widespread disaster, yeah, ban it. Otherwise, see above.
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    D&D 3E/3.5 Players playing 3 or 3.5 E vs 4 E?

    On a similar topic, there is a plain, wooden cup I've been looking for. If anyone sees it, please get it to me. And a large golden box, with two angels on the top. Please do not open it, though. And three glowing stones. And a crystal skull. And a jewel-encrusted statuette of a falcon. And...
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    Pathfinder 1E Anyone using Trailblazer with Pathfinder?

    Well, only sorta. They could suck up the -10 to damage, instead. The whiners. I'll point out the vampire only really has -7 by the time you have a +3 weapon, anyway - when you factor in the weapon's bonus. And since all weapons give pluses to hit (since they're level based, now), switching to...
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    Pathfinder 1E Anyone using Trailblazer with Pathfinder?

    I do not think he means what you think he means. I think he's concerned about weapons overcoming, f'instance, "DR 10 / +2", and when weapons are considered "+2" for that purpose. ...which, OTOH, doesn't exist in Pathfinder, so is somewhat of a nonsensical worry, so I'm probably wrong there...