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  1. J

    ISRP Chat Moving Off Wizards' Website

    I appriciate your efforts to maintain the community. Thank you, good luck with the transition, and I hope to have many good times there myself. :)
  2. J

    Because I Just Have To!

    Congrats, good luck, and I wish you and the lucky person many years of happiness :)
  3. J

    New Chat Site?

    Look at the bright side; it could be worse... a lot worse They could have done what Nintendo did; give 2 years of it'll be up soon, including announcements in their magazines, and then replace it with this hunk of junk. Still, there are worse excuses for interfaces. I think we can grow to get...
  4. J

    TMP: Bardroid list.

    ok, the name purplestuff orginally came from the cantina from a drink which is now listed as purplealc. The name was given to describe any generic kool-aid like drink (aka: bug juice if you've ever been to camp :) ). Since we're using BD in TMP, we're still using the cantina menu. Purplealc...
  5. J

    TMP: Bardroid list.

    You just don't see many of the freshed baked kind outside of a bakery... too bad, really.
  6. J

    TMP: Bardroid list.

    Cupcakes are those little things that come in plastic wrappers with cream filling, normally. Cakes tend to be wide and diverse, like the ones you see in resturant display cases. We also might want to consider how appropriate the foods are for the setting... most nightclubs don't serve cupcakes.
  7. J

    TMP: Bardroid list.

    The difference between corn chips and nachos is fairly large here (in NY), as well. Corn Chips refer to things like fritos and sometimes bugles and doritos. Nachos are tortia chips cover in cheese sauce (generally only in gas stations and concession stands), or fixings like ground beef, melted...
  8. J

    TMP: Bardroid list.

    Don't forget the drinks...
  9. J

    The Blast Zone - A day of business

    *Michael Corin-Sorria, or Jet as many call him, slowly edges his sporty blue, yet fairly subtle vehicle around the corner and into the alleyway that serves as a back access for the businesses and community in this small corner plaza. With a frown, he suppresses the urge to test his acceleration...
  10. J

    ((Welcome to The Lab! Please read. OOC))

    (reposting of PM to pou) WWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! *does a variety of dances, some slightly inappropriate, all making him look like a psychopathic idiot*
  11. J

    TMP Business list

    course not... just cause the place has a few test craft... I'll be submitting an article about his absence this week that should kick that in the knee caps a bit... P.S: oh... and if the TMP's security system or generator goes and they really need a replacement... I'd say 2-6 hours, delivery...
  12. J

    TMP Business list

    I'll contact you and work out any details
  13. J

    TMP Business list

    Submition for new business Name: ChronoTech Specialty: On demand part, assembly, and final product creation; certified technician training; Military testing and research Headquarters: London, England NY office: Trinity Pl. and Thames St. CronoTech was founded in 1986 by NGS Consulting of...
  14. J

    TMP Setting Discussions

    Yeah, but I was thinking more in the same realm as elf... the parts I was mainly talking about were aftermarket reproductions and such (not a car guy, so take everything I say carwise with a grain of salt)... There's a '70 mustang and there's a ' '70 mustang'... maybe there's a Renaissance of...
  15. J

    TMP Setting Discussions

    Yeah, but I was thinking more in the same realm as elf... the parts I was mainly talking about were aftermarket reproductions and such (not a car guy, so take everything I say carwise with a grain of salt)... There's a '70 mustang and there's a ' '70 mustang'... maybe there's a Renaissance of...
  16. J

    TMP Setting Discussions

    First point... well... not everyone has a weapon in view. IC-wise... I don't think it's really there to make money. I think it's more of a cover for the WIZO place upstairs. On that note, someone might consider a large group of loyal patrons with views in tune (or immediate intrests that run...
  17. J

    TMP: Bardroid list.

    do they remove the venom sac on those scorps? edit: nvm, they do... where do you lick them to keep from sticking yourself, though? I think I'll stick to the peppermint ant pop
  18. J

    TMP: Bardroid list.

    shock value, yeah. But it's still a discussion point and still being ordered... could make it an advertising gag Come to The Meeting Place; home of the one dollar worm
  19. J

    TMP: Bardroid list.

    I didn't think it was that long of a list, but yes, jetfuel and flameout as well *looks at food site* I think I just got a few additions to TBZ's inventory :D
  20. J

    TMP: Bardroid list.

    can we get jet fuel and a couple of the speciality beverages on the TMP page added to the list?