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ISRP Chat Moving Off Wizards' Website

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I am both happy and disgusted to hear this news.

Happy, because it means that hopefully, we can make this site what it has the potential to be, without wizards mucking things up.

Disgusted, because Wizards is just dumping us. I'm reminded of the Fiasco that got rid of the Tavern the first time around. I pray this isn't a temper tantrum, too, though I am not holding my breath.

Thank you Raven, and whoever else has stepped up to take this on. I'm a busy woman right now; just started a new job... but you should know how willing I am to help wherever possible.



I'm sure that the folks at UH already know that I'm on board and available to help in any way possible. Hopefully this transition will allow the community to thrive and evolve past the obstacles it has experienced in the past.

I would also like to personally thank Raven and every other WizO staying on board with this project for the dedication to what the ISRP represents.



gillette said:
How ironic! An RPG company that doesn't support roleplaying!
*snicker* Talk about an oxymoron:

"New and improved, almost perfect, virtual reality! Instant classic, mandatory options, same difference!"

Friendly war? Pretty ugly.

"Military intelligence." *simple confusion* "Educated guess?" "Subjective data." "Good grief!" *silent scream* "Hypothetical situations." *constructive negativity* "Lead balloon!"

Half true, deliberately thoughtless, clearly confused, mildly psychotic, pure evil, honest thief.

1) Constant change
2) Organized mess
3) Negative growth
4) Limited lifetime guarantee

Stand down! Happy demise. Act naturally. Eyes wide shut.
Self help?
Farewell reception.

Well said, I know I couldn't write a whole post with oxymorons let alone a sentence but ...

I think the whole thing shows that the company forgot that it makes games and to sell these games you have to provide an setting that is condusive to the games you sell. Someone has lost sight... Reminds me of the movie BIG where Tom Hanks plays a kid who becomes an adult, joins a game company and then forgot everything about what kids want.

The BIGGGEST oxymorons I think is: game company

PLEASE WOTC "give" the name to a gamer before you kill Role Playing altogeather.




Nevine said:
I would just like to point to everyone, just incase they had not noticed, that if these two WizO's had not volunteered. This announcement would have amounted to "we are shutting the area down and leaving you no alternatives".

I will leave it at that. Since our esteemed community manager is a vertiable god-queen when it comes to all things Wizards.comMUNITY, I cannot speak to her as one adult to another adult doing something horrible because it is the easiest thing to do.

So, yeah, thanks.

I am sure some personal agendas have played into this, the Games area has always had it out for us. I hope those people are happy.

And please, do not say how generous it is of you to even be providing a link to this new site. It is the least you could do for completely destroying something people loved.

I sure hope Live! enjoys the new expanded budget. For all of the 6 people that actually go there.

I'm confused are you praising WIzards? comdeming them? or just venting? I for one, though I am happy we get to keep the ISRP on ichat software, am saddened to see it leave the wizards site.

I WOULD like to thank the WizO's that are contributing to this, however. and as I don't know much about the internal workings I hope their is little to no cost on their end. I do feel responsible for this whole mess however so I apologise for instigating (sp?) the presumed brawl over this new chat software. and I am VERY thankful to Mel for being so gracious and patient with us, we are a stubborn, hard headed group and I do hope at some point another arragement can be made to help with all this and ISRP can come back to wizards. as such I am asking for everyone's help in posting suggestions on how we can bring ISRP back, eventually to the Wizards site. I will be posting a new thread to this effect, and Mel, you've been such a dear, thank you again. if the ISRP section of the boards is to be going, please move my thread to someplace it will remain? we help, in no SMALL part, cause this mess. please let us help fix it too? most of us really are trying.



First Post
I was sarcastic at parts. It was not meant in a complimentary manner. But, do not worry about what I am saying to someone else. I am certain there was no such confusion on the end of the recipient.

Anyway, you have nothing to apologize for in this case. No patron did anything wrong. This is the first time in the six years of our Manager's tenure that this person has had to interact with us so directly.



Don't have alot of time at the moment, but just wanted to drop in on the discussion.
Thank you for your words of support.

I will do all in my power to ensure that ISRP remains, to pay tribute to what it has been and try to make it better than ever.

Stay tuned.



Kia Ora folks,

Thank you for the notes of support so far. And please don't feel guilty about voicing your opinions. No one patron could ever be responsible for a change as large as this.

Thanks Nevine for supplying that link, and Gilette I can tell you had fun writing that. :angel:

Yes, although WotC will not be running the new site, a number of us are hoping to continue there.

I feel the need to advise you however that transition will not be perfect. As the site will not be WotC, we cannot take WotC's user files. Please plan ahead and save a copy of your chat description somewhere safe.

I hope you will give us a chance. :)

- Pounamu


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WizO_Pounamu said:
Thanks Nevine for supplying that link, and Gilette I can tell you had fun writing that. <snip> I hope you will give us a chance. :)

Well, in a way I had fun writing it. It was that or screaming in frustration and rage. :censored: I wish I'd had reason to write it because of something happier.

I'd also like to thank those of you who are trying to help create a new place for the roleplayers who've called this site home for all these years. I will be there and I hope everyone else will be too. --Including the characters that Gillette doesn't like. :p

Mechele aka Gillette


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I appriciate your efforts to maintain the community. Thank you, good luck with the transition, and I hope to have many good times there myself. :)

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