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  1. H

    Alternate Druid

    A player of mine wants to play a druid without spellcasting, but super-enhanced Wildshape. How would you do this, starting at first level?
  2. H

    Wheel of Time

    Hello, all. I am working on a Wheel of Time-esque setting. I know, I know, there is a WoT d20 book, but... Frankly, I dislike it. It seems terribly unbalanced. Back to point. Aes Sedai will be Sorcerers. Asha'man will be Psions. The One Power, female and male halves. Saidar and Saidin...
  3. H

    Skill rank confusion

    I'm playing a creature with six racial HD, and one class level. The ECL is 5. Does that mean that my max ranks are 10?
  4. H

    Ardmore / Healdton, Oklahoma

    Hello. I am looking for gamers to run or play in the Ardmore / Healdton area (Oklahoma). My email address is . Contact me if interested.
  5. H

    Reality's Teeth

    I am running a campaign in which four swords, called Reality's Teeth, in which the swords, each bound to and incarnating the primal forces of reality (Good, Evil, Chaos, and Law) are being sought. I am basing the sword of Evil off of Stormbringer (Don't hate me. Just a fan. =D), with the sword...
  6. H

    Enhanced speed

    This is my first post... Something I've had problems with in D&D is that all humans have the same speed. (base). There are no people who are naturally faster. So, what I decided to do is to add the character's dexterity score to their base speed. Does this seem balanced? :D