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  1. K

    Possible CRT setting changes

    Things look good from what I have read of this. I do however admit i skimmed parts, and thus didnt see if it was going to be a retroactive change,ie saying that it has always been in this setting, or if it was going to be magically moved to this setting. If it is the latter, I do have a mage...
  2. K

    We don't need no water.

    I kind of figured that would be the reason Siani would give.At one point I wanted my character to set up a permanent gate between the settings, to allow people with no other way to get between planes to have some reasonable way to explain why and how they are in one of the other settings,but...
  3. K

    Winter ball

    Whether or not offence was ment, you do tend to come off a bit on the overbearing side,Dontella. Now I like the idea of an ice castle type thing,and the Feast of the Moon,though with all the cross planar traffic it would probably end up as more than that. The snowball fight is a good idea...
  4. K

    How many old players are still out there

    2003 it think for me. not as old as some but hey, almost5 years now...wow...
  5. K

    I must confess

    Not any more than any other game. You just have to log out.Period. They don't control your mind.You just have to be strong enough to set the gane down just like any other game and go do what you need to, be it eat, bathe or go to work. and everything will be there when you get back.
  6. K

    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    You have to. I think you miss rp in general.
  7. K

    ISRP Convention??

    Dykal is dead without Sky, and the people are lost.
  8. K

    ISRP Convention??

    Hmm, I saw this more as just a get together, but dressing up would be cool. money comes up. Cross country trips are expensive, let alone crossing an ocean.
  9. K

    What's the real reason we RP?

    I started playing D&D at the very end of 2e, so I think 2000. It was fun. I started playing onlinein 2003, and that was to escape the bleak realities of real life, but it was still fun. I have met several great friends.For me it is still a blend of fun and escapism.The friends aspect of it is...
  10. K

    D&D 4.0e officiallly announced for May, 2008

    Hmm, the Realms are going to be default?That explains why they are getting so messesd up in novels and such. Can't have so many prominant people running around the place.
  11. K

    D&D 4.0e officiallly announced for May, 2008

    I am not really sure how you can make 3.5 simpler.I mean some things are hazy, but even then, I know the general way it goes, and t never takes more than five minutes to figure it out and resolve the action.I don't think this is worth a new edition. And reading something off the website says...
  12. K

    Event idea

    Is it still freeform, or rules and dice and levels and such?
  13. K

    The "Whatever happened to X?" thread.

    FFXI is only $13
  14. K

    TMP Description clear-up.

    Alright, so you are saying that there should be TV's of some sort.That sounds reasonable.Something that has no relation to the people playing probably, couldnt be anything on the news like a gang war, unless it was preapproved.Weather and typical local news wouldn't be bad.As for the DJ, that...
  15. K

    TMP Description clear-up.

    What more does it need? As I requested before, why don't you make one? I have never been to a night club, and the description of it works fine for me, I know what is where and what I can expect to see.Perhaps if you contibute, instead of complain, something may be done.
  16. K

    TMP Description clear-up.

    It seems to me that you lost your own point. If I am wrong, please post what you think the room description should be.
  17. K

    Ode To Dessy Writting prt.2

    Well because it is a fantasy setting, that eliminated somethings right there, Velcro, guns, and I really would say zippers too,since that was brought up.Why? Because these things simply don't exist in the setting.Now if you want to invent one, go for it, though guns seem to be out altogether.And...
  18. K

    Ode To Dessy Writing

    Ehh, looks can be tricky, true, the looks to be___ years old tends to work.#7 is a good one.Personallity can show through though, like if a person is cheerfull and smiling, or twitchy and angry looking.Those tend to be situational though.
  19. K

    Off into the wild blue yonder

    Heh,If you do it right, people might think you are to crazy to mess with, but not enough to get you in trouble.Anyway, Good luck.