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  1. dragonlordofpoondari

    Which Ruleset for Pulp/WWII era

    ooooooh. Don't know how those slipped by me. Thanks for the tip!
  2. dragonlordofpoondari

    Which Ruleset for Pulp/WWII era

    My choice would be ... Savage Worlds + fluff courtesy of the inimitable Kenneth Hite such as: Day after Ragnarok, GURPS Weird War II, and GURPS Infinite Worlds or Alternate Earths and maybe even some Godlike for good measure.
  3. dragonlordofpoondari

    Something that 4e's designers overlooked? -aka is KM correct?

    @Odhanan: Nice avatar! Looks strangely familiar ... Nice insights, too.
  4. dragonlordofpoondari

    Rebuild 1E...

    My thoughts exactly. Cperkins penned the definitive version of ruleslite Dungeons and Dragons to my mind.
  5. dragonlordofpoondari

    What game system have you tried that made you go WOW!

    Great thread! I tend to be wowed by systems that are disarmingly intelligent. Here are a few favorites ... Darwin's World - Post-Apacalyptic gaming done right over D20 Modern. Well supported (everything is now available in print form too. Yay!) Fading Suns - see Grodog's description above...
  6. dragonlordofpoondari

    Pathfinder 1E [Pathfinder] Planning on switching to Pathfinder?

    Nice. That makes me wish I still lived in Ohio, which is a considerable feat. I'm currently a player in a 4e game for now, but the group is talking about switching back to 3.5. When this happens, I'm going to lobby for them to consider Pathfinder. This particular group is a bit narrow-minded...
  7. dragonlordofpoondari

    Banned from public RPG

    You said it, Rouse! Those Evony ads are all over the danged interwebs and they're TERRIBLE. I am embarrassed to have them on my screen. Nothing says high fantasy role playing like a SoCal slut with caked on makeup. Ug.
  8. dragonlordofpoondari

    How many folks are still playing/running 3e?

    The group that I've been playing in for the last 6 months decided to give 4e a shot for the last 4 months. The consensus is that we're going to back to 3.5e (mid-campaign, actually). I'm pretty optimistic about Pathfinder, but I'm not sure if I can convince this particular group to give it a...
  9. dragonlordofpoondari

    Finally! (but why?)

    Huh? I didn't detect any vitriol ... just some speculation. What bothered you?
  10. dragonlordofpoondari

    Finally! (but why?)

    Whenever ENWorld goes down, we're supposed to head over to to seek guidance. I found this thread, but not much in the way of official info. Enworld down? - RPGnet Forums
  11. dragonlordofpoondari

    Tell me about your favorite game store

    1. Game Empire San Diego which is pronounced "Gay Men Pyre," just so you all pronounce it correctly. Fantastic gaming store in San Diego. 2. Mind Games from Toledo, Ohio. Discovered this store in the early 80's and loved it. It was my game store. Apparently, it finally closed it's doors earlier...
  12. dragonlordofpoondari

    Whither Necromancer Games?

    HOLY COW! That's great news. If at all possible, my vote is to make Eamonvale Incursion Pathfinder. I've been waiting a long time for that one ...
  13. dragonlordofpoondari

    2009/01/22 Tabletop RPG Podcasts

    Oh. They originally said January. I guess I'll have to wait another month. Boo. Thanks for the info, though.
  14. dragonlordofpoondari

    2009/01/22 Tabletop RPG Podcasts

    Anyone know when the Penny Arcade/Will Wheton session is set to go online?
  15. dragonlordofpoondari

    Which CRPG has the best STORY? (Forked from: Do you not play WoW?)

    I couldn't disagree more about FO3. It's a fantastic game. FO2 may have had a great story, but it was so buggy it was broken. Two or three posters, myself included, have mentioned Arcanum upthread.
  16. dragonlordofpoondari

    Fantasy Novels and D&D

    You, sir, have impeccable taste. Do me a favor. When you get back to your books, please provide a more thorough suggested reading list. I've already read much of this, and our tastes overlap almost perfectly.
  17. dragonlordofpoondari

    First Time DM'ing 3.5 Sorcerer... Should I Be Worried?

    I'd worry about their d4 HD. Bump it up to d6 and make everybody happy. Other than that, much easier to DM than a Wizard. The worst thing you have to deal with is repetitiveness. It's not that different than a Fighter that always likes his favorite enchanted +1 Longsword, +3 vs. Variety.
  18. dragonlordofpoondari

    Which CRPG has the best STORY? (Forked from: Do you not play WoW?)

    I like your ideas. At the same time, I feel like it's easy to be a critic. I find a lot to love about the stories in both Oblivion and Mass Effect. I mean, I don't think we need a separate standard for CRPGs, but we can't always expect Proust here, can we? They're well written and executed. That...
  19. dragonlordofpoondari

    Which CRPG has the best STORY? (Forked from: Do you not play WoW?)

    Like George Lucas, Blizzard steals from the best and reconstitutes. They do so with a measure of panache, but it has become a bit of a kitchen sink metastory. Seriously. What doesn't get stolen by and incorporated into WoW? Penny Arcade! - I Hope You Like Text BTW, the story has way too many...
  20. dragonlordofpoondari

    Which CRPG has the best STORY? (Forked from: Do you not play WoW?)

    Fair enough. I grant that "astonishingly good" may have been straying toward hyperbole in regarding the story, but I do believe it to be an astonishingly good game. That's why I was saying that I enjoy the world more than the story. I should have changed the word "astonishing" to "engaging." Oh...