Search results

  1. G

    The Sunless Citadel (RG)

    Please post your Sunless Citadel characters here. I will also keep track of your character's experience and loot and what not in this thread. Experience Talus - 75 Gamad - 75 Falariel -75 Hunolf -75 Loot
  2. G

    The Sunless Citadel (IC)

    After a day of walking in the grueling heat, the sun finally begins to hide its bright and burning face.The overgrown Old Road winds through rocky downs, old-growth oak trees with web-like moss clinging from their branches, and past several abandoned farm shacks. The lonely road is empty of all...
  3. G

    The Sunless Citadel (OOC)

    The goblin tribe infesting the nearby ruins (known only as the Sunless Citadel) ransoms a single piece of magical fruit to the highest bidder in Oakhurst once every midsummer. They've been doing this for the past twelve years. Usually, the fruit sells for around 50 gold pieces, which is all the...