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  1. C. Baize

    What do you get out of your pagans?

    I find this particularly interesting seeing as my wife and I have had similar discussions regarding RPGs as modern mythology in the making. Larger than life characters battling larger than life villains in larger than life ways in a "real" world setting. "Neo" folklore at its finest.
  2. C. Baize

    Best Superhero Adventures/mods?

    My all time favorite is the Marvel Super Heroes "Ragnarok and Roll" adventure series.
  3. C. Baize

    Fight Club d20

    Get into a non-lethal melee with the City Council, bind them and dress them all up as clowns. Take pictures and post them as posters all around town. Stage a bank robbery. Throw the cash from the roof of the tallest building on a windy day. Or... Stage a bank robbery. Take no cash, but force...
  4. C. Baize

    Year of the Zombie Question

    Let Ralts know.. he'll likely send you a copy, or authorize a new download. He's cool like that.
  5. C. Baize

    Year of the Zombie Question

    If you purchased the products from RPGNow or ENWorld, you should be able to download them again... No reason for the lost thing to stay lost.
  6. C. Baize

    The ultimate villainess?

    Ooh! Or... They ARE WWII Supervillains, who when it is made clear that Germany is absolutely on the losing side... Hitler and the good Herr Doktor Eugenik make use of a time machine to flash the whole team (and themselves, naturally) forward in time nearly 70 years, and make a Blitzkrieg...
  7. C. Baize

    The ultimate villainess?

    Or maybe Traumchen. I like this Dispatch... perhaps one of the best ever (right next to mine, of course). And they're not only good for WWII... They're great for a nasty mad German scientist who longs for the "good ol' days" and wants to bring back Nazi Germany... Uberkrieger is very much...
  8. C. Baize

    Can I start using the day I buy.

    They're balanced. And good additions. There's a martial arts supplement for D20 Modern that is (in my opinion) better, and more thorough, though.
  9. C. Baize

    Battlestar Galactica d20 Future

    Enh... I'd rather create my own, using D20 Modern/Future.
  10. C. Baize

    D20 Modern in 2007?

    With what focus? And how modern? What world? Modern Oerth, maybe? The problem with assuming a particular setting as the default for D20 Modern is that's not what most people are using, from what I've seen. And it wouldn't matter the setting... most people aren't using THAT one (because most...
  11. C. Baize

    Hideouts for Super Villains

    Huge underground bunker ala the military bunker in The Hulk. Space based ala Asteroid M in the Marvel Universe books. Big disused sewer cistern and passages ala the Morlocks in the Marvel Universe books. Abandoned military base. The Hive from the Resident Evil movie. (I never played the game...
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  18. C. Baize

    D20 Modern in 2007?

    It would depend on the nature and extent of the revisions, for me. For instance... if they re-did damage reduction to be like D&D 3.5, I'd be all over it. And if they used my revision to the autofire rules... I'd be all over it. Other than that... it'd be a case by case basis.
  19. C. Baize

    D20 Modern in 2007?

    I dunno... they hit modern fantasy with Urban Arcana. But for classical fantasy... well... While I'd agree that D20 Modern's ruleset is superior to base D20, I'm really considering genre that are what should be considered D20 Modern. And yeah... there's plenty of room to release a lot more...
  20. C. Baize

    D20 Modern in 2007?

    To continue on with how they've hit the bases on D20 Modern... Other than full-out comics style supers, what can you not do that is relatively recent past (from the 14th century or so), modern or future based with the WotC books so far released and the slightest modicum of imagination? All the...