• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. H

    Initiative Tracker mobile app

    Working on an app called Combat Counter Mobile for Android (and eventually iOS, I hope) and wanted to get peoples' feedback on features they would like to see in this type of program. So far I've either implemented or am working towards the following: - Initiative and round count - Hit...
  2. H

    Gamemastery Item Cards

    The first time I was exposed to these, I also thought it would be prohibitive to expand my collection to the point where I'd have enough cards for every PC and magic item that comes up, so I designed a customizable card builder that lets you design and print just the ones you want. I've hired...
  3. H

    Making everyone a cleric (sort of)

    The closest we've come to this in my gaming group is that we thought about running a campaign where everyone was a cleric/divine caster. The whole theme of the campaign being that the party would be kind of the God Squad, looking to save the lost, exorcise demons, etc.
  4. H

    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Character Generator

    Hey CTK, I developed the 3.75 Character Generator for my gaming group. The Healing Surges are a house rule we use. Just one of the few rules we liked from 4th Edition that we carried over into our Pathfinder campaign, that's all. Hope you guys enjoy it.
  5. H

    Advice for DM'ing 3-PC party w/o leader?

    I'm also in a Cleric-less party, and we seem to be doing okay although there are four of us: Ranger, Warlock, Warlord and Rogue. We're all between 2nd-4th level at this point and our DM has compensated for our lack of a Cleric or Paladin by giving us access to a fair number of potions and other...