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    Digital Boss Monster the Card Game

    Posting about this Kickstarter as my company (Plain Concepts) and myself are involved on it Brotherwise Games will be at Gen Con promoting their physical game and this Kickstarter. BROTHERWISE GAMES ANNOUNCES DIGITAL VERSION OF BESTSELLING CARD GAME, BOSS MONSTER (INDIANAPOLIS, IN – August...
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    Warlock's Journal Contest: Design a Deity

    The Warlock's Journal is a RPG design contest hosted by different blogs with a changing theme every month. This month it is hosted by Soul Guardian Publishing, and the design challenge is to create a deity and how the passing of time has affected such deity. It's a short submission (500 or less...
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    Birthright Campaign Manager tool

    (crossposted from Hi Birthright fans! I have released an Open Source tool to manage games of AD&D 2e Birthright, you can find it on this website: Birthright Campaign Manager Birthright accounting can get crazy pretty fast if you have a few players and you want to manage also the...
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    Minor markup problem in forums list

    Hi, it seems there is a minor markup problem in the forums list. If you go to the section of Living Worlds, instead of "Living 4th Edition" it says: here to visit this social group">Living 4th Edition I see it happening in IE9 and Chrome. Regards! Vicente
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    Starting with Legends of Anglerre (FATE)

    Hi! I'm a DM with a lot of experience running AD&D 2e, DnD 3e, DnD 4e, and Alternity. But lately I have decided to give Legends of Anglerre a try (reading the book was very inspiring). So, I'm searching for help in a few things :) - A free adventure to read. If possible for LoA, but well, if...
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    Very interesting fantasy terrain

    I have followed WorldWorksGames for several years, and I have bought most of their fantasy PDFs for making gaming terrain for DnD 3e and 4e. I think their products are superb, although I have been always annoyed for all the time I had to put building the stuff, so when I saw their new product I...
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    What Computer Game Designers can learn from DnD 4e

    Very nice read about what computer game designers can learn/rip from the DnD 4e and how to use those ideas in a computer RPG: