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  1. D

    August 2012--Menzoberranzan: City of Intrigue

    This is pretty much spot on, at least for my group. Essentials basically destroyed my campaign group when it came out, because out of the six people who played regularly, only one didn't absolutely hate the rule system and what it did to the original classes. Since nothing new was coming out...
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    Home Game Culture Shock: LFR players vs the 15min workday

    I'd agree with what I've seen some other saying, that I don't really think that the idea of having characters heal up with as many castings of healing word as they want is really an LFR thing, just a DM decision thing. I'm one of the DMs who, whether I'm DMing LFR or whether I'm DMing for a...
  3. D

    WotBS Any tips for running FG WotBS?

    Yeah, sorry, I'm definitely using the modules that you have made -- they're incredible. I've used a lot of Fantasy Grounds modules (mainly for LFR), and they don't even begin to approach that quality. The note about prep time is a good point. I suppose I tend to under prepare for Fantasy...
  4. D

    WotBS Any tips for running FG WotBS?

    After spending way too much time reading through the material and going back and forth on starting a game, I'm considering running a War of the Burning Sky game via Fantasygrounds. I've run games via Fantasygrounds before, and I have most of the 4e modules I'll need (and can probably create my...
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    What will Masterplan be after the C&D?

    When I first started my campaign several months ago, I was using my DDI subscription to build my campaign. I made notes in OneNote, then I looked up monster stat blocks on the compendium, snapshotted them to Photoshop and then copied them to Word where I put together my module to print out and...
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    Book 3 and 4 Unavailable?

    Makes sense. I got the Bi-Monthly part, I just didn't realize that the subscriber PDFs were a couple books behind the RPGNow downloads. No worries... thanks for the heads up.
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    Book 3 and 4 Unavailable?

    I have plans to (hopefully) start a War of the Burning Sky campaign on Fantasygrounds, but before I start trying to find players and figure out what my best times are, I really wanted to get a good grasp of the story. I was able to see books 1 and 2 (as well as the DM and Player guides) in the...
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    what do you do when a +3 bloodclaw weapon is more powerful than a +4 artifact

    Although I read the forums so often, I rarely find a reason that I need to log in and toss my opinion in, but this seems to be one of those times. Evilbob, I get that what you're complaining about is a far wider reaching issue that you're having with 4th edition than just with bloodclaw...
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    When you don't fit in

    The only thing that I could suggest would be to try and discuss with the players and the DM what the direction of the campaign is and what sort of character would fit with that direction. I once played a ranger who had paladin-like ethics, while two of the players in my group were very much...
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    I said "No" when I should have said "Yes".

    I think the point is moreso that by saying no, he effectively squashed the player's attempt at creativity, whereas saying yes and letting him try wouldn't likely have unbalanced the game any. I'm actually likely going to be running this encounter tonight, so thanks for making me think about...
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    FR Preview-Sword Mage and Genasi

    I'm actually from the Akanul region, and I've wanted to play a Genasi Swordmage since before the rules were released... I really hope that I don't get labelled as the new cheesy build.
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    Green Ronin not signing GSL (Forked Thread: Doing the GSL. Who?)

    It's really too bad to hear that GR won't be publishing 4e material. Although I myself really don't have much use for any of the 3rd party material, I think that GR is one of the best publishers out there, so not having them on board does legitimately hurt WotC. For me and my group, it just...
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    WotC_Shoe The rules are finally done: almost

    Tension is always going to be thick as a product of this magnitude gets ready for the public, but there is always going to be another project on the horizon. I've been pretty gung ho about wanting to have a DDI subscription, but with the amount of information that's been coming out (not even a...