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  1. Oompa

    AC bug or missing feature?

    Hey all, I have an question, When i create a level 6 human fighter with only; - one handed weapon spec - combat superiority - str 19, con 15, dex 14, int 9, wis 12, cha 10 And i choose the following equipment; - Veterans Scale Armor (+2) (lvl 7, PHB) - Heavy Throwing Shield (lvl 6, AV) I...
  2. Oompa

    Stances and dying

    Hey all... A quick question about a fighter activating a stance power and then being knocked to -4 hp (dying and unconscious) and than being healed the next turn. Is the stance power still active? At the keyword it says it lasts 5 minutes or till the end of the encounter. At the death and...
  3. Oompa

    Mark & Shift

    Question: - Bard power Misdirected Mark, the bard can choose to mark a target with a mark of a other player.. can the other player say he doesnt want that.. or does the bard say it happens and it happens.. - Same with shifts? If a player can make another player shift, i know the other player...
  4. Oompa

    Everburning torch?

    I think i overreadt it.. but i can't seem to find how much light an everburning torch shines.. Same as a torch? Or as a sunrod? I would say torch but in siege of Bodrin's watch (Dungeon adventure) it implies in Area V3 and V4 it is brighter than a torch.. Can anyone tell me where i could find it..
  5. Oompa

    Active Perception and Passive Perception

    Hey all, This might be a simple problem but i am quite struggling with it.. So we have a active perception ( a player rolling a perception check to notice stuff) and we have passive perception ( a player knows certain things are around him if his passive perception is high enough) Now lets...
  6. Oompa

    Average Treasure

    My players just leveled, and in the game my players find 'a magic item' so players can decide in the group who gets what item in which order. I know this is not the best solution for handling treasure but my players like it so i keep it. But here is my question.. Is there a way to calculate...
  7. Oompa

    Paladin and Fighter Mark

    Don't have me books on me, so no quotes and stuff but here is my question.. Let's say Monster is marked by the fighter and adjacent to the fighter. Monster also has Rogue and Warlord adjacent. Monster does a close burst action, and hits the fighter and warlord, misses the rogue.. If my...
  8. Oompa

    Immediate Reaction & Twin Strike

    This could be a fairly easy answer but it was buggering me ;) If someone has the ability to shift one after a missed melee attack, and a ranger attacks with his twin strike and misses with his first attack.. Is the person allowed to shift? Or not? Twin Strike is two attacks, in one standard...
  9. Oompa

    Maptools question..

    So i made a nice map in maptools.. but now i need to make another map, in the same campaign.. how do i do this? If i create a new map, i need to import all data again, create all player tokens and settings all over.. Is there a simple way i dont know? Or am i supposed to use different sites of...
  10. Oompa

    Skill Challenges

    So.. tonight my party will have 2 - 3 skill challenges and i know the setting, which skills and likes but i've got 2 questions.. - The rules were updated and iniative is out, how is everyone handling it now? Just let the players discuss about who should take the roll? - Any other tips about...
  11. Oompa

    Group rules.

    Hello all, This coming sunday i am going to start the scales of war campaign with my regular group of players. My players are not really into role playing and some don't grasp the rules as good as they should be after almost one year and a half of playing.. I am planning to change that coming...
  12. Oompa

    Few Questions about CB

    Okay so i am kinda new to the character builder and have a few questions.. - Is it possible to buy items per one, Sunrods come per 2 and Rations per 10, but i want 1 sunrod and 8 rations. If i make a custom item of it, it turns up on the magic item table on the sheet and makes a powercard for...
  13. Oompa

    DDI - Character Builder

    Okay so i am kinda new to the character builder and have a few questions.. - Is it possible to buy items per one, Sunrods come per 2 and Rations per 10, but i want 1 sunrod and 8 rations. If i make a custom item of it, it turns up on the magic item table on the sheet and makes a powercard for...
  14. Oompa

    KotS Party Situation.. (long)

    Hello all.. My 6 players are in a kind of annoying situation without knowing it, i as a dm want them to have fun, challenge them and not punish them for how things went.. so i am in need of some advice.. My players are running Keep on the Shadowfell, they cleared level one totally and are...
  15. Oompa

    KotS Level 2 in Illustrator cs4

    I am using Illustrator cs4 for making a copy of the map of the second level in Keep on The Shadowfell, It is not done yet, and i am not a real artist so i was hoping some people had creative idea's or tips..
  16. Oompa

    Illustrator CS 4

    I am using Illustrator CS 4 to create simple maps for my players and i was asking myself one big question.. Is it possible to create a black layer and than if i place a player with a 5 square radius light source the black layer disappears within that radius.. Simply put, is it possible to...
  17. Oompa

    Gelatinous Cube & Cherub Statues

    A few questions about them (they are from Keep on the Shadowfell) Gelatinous Cube (area 15): - Can they move when they engulfed someone? - How many people can he engulf in total? Cherub Statues (area 16): - The magic wall is between the statues, does this mean players from the outside can...
  18. Oompa

    KotS - Glyphs

    I'm at work now, and i don't have any books with me and i have a session after work and i forgot one thing to prep.. There is a chance my players will be going into area 5 (i think) of the first level of Keep on the Shadowfell.. That area has glyphs on the ground that trigger when someone...
  19. Oompa

    Forgotten Realms 4th edition

    So i was thinking of starting a 4th edition Forgotten Realms Campaign when my players are done with the adventures they are in now (is going to take a while so i have time) But i only see one adventure book for FR, 2nd level to 4th level. When do new adventure books come out for FR? Or do i...
  20. Oompa

    Campaign Writer's Block

    Hello all, I have a problem.. I have been playing D&D for almost 6-7 years now, always as a DM (no-one else wants to DM). My party is mostly hack and slash and has role playing as a low priority. I have always ran the classic modules and/or other published adventures. In these times i usually...