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Search results

  1. Slaygrim

    Surprise Round Sneak Attack

    The surprise round is a partial action round. There is a debate in the group about what that means for a sneak attack with a character who uses two weapon style. Is it still just one attack or does the two weapon fighting feats allow a dual stab sneak attack?
  2. Slaygrim

    How often to characters get a full attack in your campaign?

    I've seen different gaming groups do this in completely different ways. One group will always allow a full attack as long as the characters don't move more than 5 steps. I have seen gaming groups do something similar to the above but who could only do a partial attack for the first round, no...
  3. Slaygrim

    An Adventure with Airicx Evanara

    Loosely based upon a previous adventure: “Moradin’s beard! He knows we’re here,” the stocky gray bearded dwarf whispered to his two companions, an elf warrior and an old human paladin. “He’ll be upon us soon.” “Only because you couldn’t move silently if your life depended on it Thorquain...
  4. Slaygrim

    Whiney players....

    (edit: For more information, read post #76 by me) I've got a player in my group who is the BIGGEST whiner, and I can't stand it. The biggest problem is that he is the only other person who will DM with me, so having him around is the only way I actually get to play a character. This guy...
  5. Slaygrim

    Help! A character in need of optimization!-sort of...

    I am not even sure this is the right place. I think I need the help of the character optimization specialists, but I am not exactly trying to optimize, as in taking all sorts of prestige classes. Here's the deal: I finished DM'ing my campaign, and now it is time for one of the gamers in the...
  6. Slaygrim

    A look at: Airicx Elricus Evanara

    Airicx Evanara is my (semi) retired character that I thought I'd share for the fun of it. If you wanted, you could always use him in a campaign. Airicx Elricus Evanara (1374 DR) Alignment: Chaotic Good Race: Moon Elf Gender: Male Religion: Corellon Larethian Class: Rogue 7/Fighter...
  7. Slaygrim

    Spellweavers, what do you know about them?

    In my upcoming campaign, I am getting the Spellweaver race that appears in the Monsters Manual 2 to have a major role. The problem is, that I do not know much about them and it seems that there is little I can find. Such as where did they come from? Do they exist in large societies, and if...
  8. Slaygrim

    List your D&D names!

    I figured this would be a cool thread to share your favorite (or any!) character names. I know some people have a lot of trouble coming up with new and cool names. If we have a thread where we've listed a bunch of our own, perhaps that will help others with names, or give them an idea for a...
  9. Slaygrim

    My next campaign is a jumbled mess in my mind!

    I'll give you a brief rundown on the campaign I am running right now to catch you up to speed before I get into this mess that is in my head regarding the next campaign, which I intend to be very big and very fun. The first Campaign revolves around a mysterious wizard from Halruaa named...