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    Hello All, I'm very sorry to disappoint any who were involved in games I was running or planning on running, and to those DM's who took me on as a player. At this point in my life I have other priorities which I've chosen to give presidence over playing and visiting here. I hope I'll be back...
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    Hello all, Sorry I dropped off the face of the world for a bit. I am still between apartments, added to that being out of town for half of the past month, I apologize to all the DM's whose games I am in and to all of my players for disappearing. I'm putting my gaming on hold until I get my...
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    Vacation and Moving

    Hi All, Just letting you know that I'm on vacation (and thus my absence) and once I get back to Montreal I'll be moving, so I'll be vacant till at least the 22nd and then spotty after till I get my own place up and running.
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    Slow Posting

    Hello All, I'm sorry to say that my posting will be slowed down in the next couple of weeks. I had a confrontation with my roommate because he believed clean dishes in the dishdrainer were disrespecting the communal space, and since his name is on the lease and mine is not, I am hunting up a...
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    Craft/Time Point Proposal & Discussion

    I figured we should move this into a new thread so it doesn't clutter up the Detail Discussion thread. I'll be adding some of the info from the Detail Discussion to this first post and then add in the final proposal once discussion has gone on for a bit of time. Proposal Characters begin with...
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    Istoria: Generic Humanocentric Game - [Was Elements of Magic]

    This will be my new PbP game featuring a great deal of house rules and variants. Please don't post until I've added additional posts for World Information and Rule Information.
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    Elements of Magic

    Has anyone tried running a PbP game with the Elements of Magic rules? I have been thinking about running a generic game (using modified generic classes from UA) and had the thought that it would be nice to rid myself of the Vancian spellcasting system (particularly after reading David Eddings...
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    Effort or Activity Levels

    So, I was thinking while looking at the rules for a game that I've had in the works for a while and it popped into my head that different levels or descriptors for types of actions just don't exist. In the sense that how much effort does a particular action take. So, the levels of effort would...
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    Away for the Weekend

    I am absent for the weekend, from tonight to monday sometime. I'll be at a competition event with no internet access, NPC me, wait on me, whatever, I'll be back.
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    [IC] Ethend: Hunt for Cantus

    This is the Hunt for Cantus IC thread.
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    Break Time (Holiday that is)

    I'm out for the holidays, I'll be back start of january and checking in once in a while during that time but don't expect much. NPC me, wait for me, so on, so forth.
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    Serenity/Firefly RPG - Anyone played it?

    I've been watching this series pretty diligently lately and it's a great setting for a Sci-Fi game I find. I just randomly happened to have found that there is an RPG game out there for it, has anyone played it? The game can be found here on Comments? Any personal reactions?
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    Away for Weekend

    Just letting everyone know I'm away for the weekend. NPC me, etc.
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    D&D University at Barnes & Noble

    For some reason this makes me smile. Discover Dungeons & Dragons at Barnes and Noble University. Hope this isn't a repost. I find it interesting that they are offering a course on the game as more than just learning to play, but also talking about the history of the game and things going on...
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    Away for Holiday

    I'm off on holiday till the end of the weekend. My games/characters/etc. will be on delay till I get back. Have a good thanksgiving and weekend.
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    Ferrix on the Move (again)

    So I'm moving again... Thus I'll be around but potentially without my own computer online for a couple of days. Just to let you all know.
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    Bell Magic

    This thread will be for some ideas I have for some feats and a PrC that will focus on employing bells within spellcasting. The idea comes from various sources of myth and anime, where magical power is associated with the sound of bells, and I thought it an interesting idea for a character.
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    Specialist Wizards

    I was wondering if anyone had implemented any house rules for specialist wizards vs. generalist wizards. Dropping two full schools of magic hits really hard at the core of the wizards versatility as a spellcaster. And the meager gain of 1 spell per level isn't very much trade-off, especially...
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    Kalashtar Quest PC's

    Put your PC's for Kalashtar Quest here.
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    Augmented Alchemy

    Looking at the Craft (alchemy) skill along with it's epic usages, I had a few questions about it. First question is why require a feat to use the augmented alchemy ability? Second question is why make that feat an epic feat? Third question, why is the DC increase so high? Now that I've...