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  1. mikegillnz

    Dragon 382 - Controllers: Breaking the utility power paradigm

    Sorry if this has been suggested previously, but I would have thought that the obvious idea for a martial controller would be some sort of trap-master. Traps are basically zones of danger and controlling terrain in 4e encounters - it would seem the logical fit to me. Although that would...
  2. mikegillnz

    What's the highest level your regular 4e game has reached?

    High Paragon, level 19 but almost 20 We started the day 4ed came out in NZ and have been going ever since. A few weeks off every now and then for real-life commitments, as well as one-shots and board game nights sprinkled in, but pretty steady play overall.
  3. mikegillnz

    Convincing a 4e group to try Pathfinder

    Its hard to say really. I'm very much a believer in the idea that when introducing new players to D&D you should use the system the DM knows best. That cuts down on the difficulties of multiple people trying to learn the system. On the other hand, if the new players you mention like martial...
  4. mikegillnz

    A Question for the 25 and under crowd - What have you read?

    I'm 24 so voted in the poll. To be honest though, I'd say that despite having most of the listed authors (although Vance is the only one of the top three I've read) they haven't had the hugest impact on my games. The authors I'm most influenced by would be George Martin, Brandon Sanderson, and...
  5. mikegillnz

    Nautical Campaigns (Forked From: How did you play. . .)

    I was in a campaign along those a lines a couple of years ago. It started out as a ship-based one where we sailed between the islands of an archipelago having adventures on each island and often on the way between them. Over time, or rather as we leveled, it kind of expanded into the same...
  6. mikegillnz

    Is Tiamat Beatable?

    That's a good point - the lack of synergy could certainly be a factor. At the very least I would have gotten a better feel for the fact that the party wasn't optimised to take on monsters that layer on status effects that heavily. Although rereading my initial post now I didn't really get...
  7. mikegillnz

    Is Tiamat Beatable?

    Over the weekend my regular gaming group had our annual make a high level character you don't care about and run a monster gauntlet for fun game. This was the first one we'd tried for 4th ed (obviously I suppose). It went pretty well, lots of wacky encounters and as a finale I gave the party...
  8. mikegillnz

    Adjusting Irontooth encounter to be harder...

    First up hi everyone - long time lurker, first time poster. I just ran the Irontooth encounter in almost identical circumstances last week (party of seven at second level). I bumped each part of the encounter and my players had no real trouble with it. However, they backed off and rested before...