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  1. N

    WotBS WotBS #6

    After the hack, I have been unable to download WotBS #6. My campaign is currently on hold until I can download and prep that adventure. I understand it may take some time to get around to reposting that document, with all the other priorities. Is there any way for me to get this adventure in the...
  2. N

    Axis Island Outcome (spoilers)

    My players just finished axis island and most had a blast, as did I. Most of my impressions have been shared by others, but I ran into a couple gotchas. We're using a house-rule where non-lethal damage leaves you stable, but still kills you if you go negative bloodied. I felt the fights would...
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    ZEITGEIST Loving Zeitgeist

    I finally managed to wrangle a group for Zeitgeist. After our second session, I've noticed that my players are focusing more on the story and what they want their characters to do than on those things written on their character sheet. They're talking, rather than saying "I use diplomacy". For...
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    Dying Skyseer Missing Encounter Setup

    Maybe I'm just missing it, but I don't see an encounter setup for Factory Aflame. It gives stat blocks for everything, but does not say how many Flint Arsonists should be there. I'm comfortable deciding for myself, but I'm interested to know your suggestion. I'm looking at the 4e version.
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    4e Banquet Jouster Stats

    The adventure seems to indicate there is an appendix with jousting stats, but I don't see one. Am I missing something? Secondly, for Test of Strength, it's supposed to be possible for both a hero and Sting Watchall to strike the bell. Doing so requires 25 damage in one blow, and a hero could...
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    Deva Reincarnation

    1) Are deva reincarnated as adults? It sounds like they are. 2) Does deva reincarnation work in Danor? It sounds like it does, since it's an innate ability, but does it fade if one were to live in Danor permanently? 3) According to Risuri law, is a reincarnated deva the same person? Because of...
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    Grand Rapids, MI Need 2 Players 4e Zeitgeist

    I'll be starting a Zeitgeist campaign in September. It will run every other week on a weekday evening at my workplace in Grand Rapids. Thursdays are likely. New or experienced players are welcome. Maturity, respect and friendliness are required along with a willingness to minimize distractions...