• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. A

    D&D 5E 5e Monster design and monster PCs

    Having it be an addition module would be a great idea. I hope that they include Undead creatures in it though because I had fun playing as them and you could create an entire back story as to how you became that way and if you were trying to become Un-Undead.
  2. A

    Opinions - IPad 2 or 3?

    Now granted I'm not a fan of walled gardens to begin with (much rather have an open air garden). I would say first question is what are you going to use the device for? Because buying an Apple product MAY NOT be the best thing for YOU. Find out what does the things you want it to do and then...
  3. A

    Interesting thoughts about the announcements at gencon

    Well, if I *had* to guess I would say watermarked .pdf, if the went the .pdf route. So as they are able to track back to the original person and ensure they are punished for copyright infringement. I'd also venture to say that they might choose the Kindle Fire as an electronic device to view...
  4. A

    Which Edition(s) do you regularly play?

    Second edition due to the pretty artwork and the skills & powers for variety. Pathfinder also because of the artwork (though I really don't like the Goblins artwork style) it also fixes some OP junk so that is a plus. Lastly I enjoy Fifth edition because getting to playtest games is a awesome...