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  1. JWO

    D&D 5E How to bring new character into PotA? *spoilers, obviously*

    How could I have him meet the party? What should he be doing that brings him into contact with them?
  2. JWO

    D&D 5E How to bring new character into PotA? *spoilers, obviously*

    Hey, I've been running a PotA campaign for a couple of months now and a new guy is about to join. We're just about to head to the Sacred Stone Monastery and we've pretty much tackled everything else in order by the book. The player tells me that his character is an alcoholic half-elf bard who's...
  3. JWO

    D&D 5E Where now for my party? PotA spoilers within...

    Hello all. I'm running Princes and we're pretty much at the very beginning of the campaign after three sessions. After the group successfully completed the Bears and Bows mission they came back into town and interrogated and killed Ilmeth Waelvur (one of the players is a caravanner who took...
  4. JWO

    D&D 5E Princes of the Apocalypse DM advice please

    Thanks very much! That Reddit link seems especially useful! I'll be going through all that now :)
  5. JWO

    D&D 5E Princes of the Apocalypse DM advice please

    I'm a relatively new DM and I'm going to hopefully be DMing a PotA game relatively soon. I've been reading through the book and it really seems like there's an awful lot to take in all at once, even just in the descriptions of the many locations that the PCs can visit in Red Larch and the...
  6. JWO

    Let's cast the D&D movie!

    I don't think there's any safe way of portraying drow so I don't know if a Drizzt movie would be possible. - Cast black actors to play drow - Well no, you can't have a race of evil black people obviously. - Cast white actors and use make-up - That's clearly going to be problematic. - Cast...
  7. JWO

    As an "adult" do you watch cartoons by choice?

    I love cartoons! Favourites include Avatar, the Last Airbender and the Legend of Korra, Steven Universe, Adventure Time (though I've lost track of it pretty much since Pendleton Ward left), Over the Garden Wall. I tried to watch Gravity Falls since a lot of its fans seem to watch the shows...
  8. JWO

    D&D 5E Tips for dm'ing larger groups

    When do monsters act in this version of initiative? I like the idea! I guess it's important to keep a sense of urgency to avoid people spending ages planning out the optimal attack strategy...
  9. JWO

    And the Oscar for best use of Props goes to...

    For this to work you've got to first scrunch up the paper a bit, soak it in strong tea (the stronger the brew, the darker the stain) and leave it in there for about five minutes (you can also rub the edges of the paper while it's wet to distress it), THEN put it into the oven on a low heat. It...
  10. JWO

    D&D 5E So what's exactly wrong with the fighter?

    That would be such a fun class to play!
  11. JWO

    D&D 5E is a campaign setting necessary?

    If I were playing I don't think I'd be able to really get invested in a game that played like that as I like there to be overarching story-lines in the games I play and consequences to the decisions I make but if you and your players are down with it then why not? I think, like what other...
  12. JWO

    If Superman exists and went bad....

    I just don't think there's anything we could do. We'd be screwed.
  13. JWO

    If Superman exists and went bad....

    How to avoid Superman ruling the world? Give him nothing to rule over by setting off all the nukes.
  14. JWO

    Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: The First Official D&D 5E Setting

    The cover art alone makes this an instabuy for me!
  15. JWO

    D&D 5E Social/Combat/Exploration Ratio

    I like the idea of people worrying about wasted space in an imaginary setting. Can't they just imagine some more space or is imaginary space a limited resource?
  16. JWO

    Is the term "racism" being stretched too far, applied to too many things?

    Well I've already stated that I'm just presenting my understanding of the issues. I don't know for sure who originally coined the term 'people of colour' but from my reading, that's the term that people of colour are generally using nowadays so that's what I'm going to stick with until someone...
  17. JWO

    Is the term "racism" being stretched too far, applied to too many things?

    As I understand it 'coloured people' has a history of being used in discriminatory, racist contexts, a term used by white people against black people. 'People of colour' is a term that was specifically created by the people it is used to describe, supposedly because it's preferable to the term...
  18. JWO

    Is the term "racism" being stretched too far, applied to too many things?

    It's probably worth me mentioning that I'm a white guy in the UK so my experiences and opinions are seen through that lens. He actually said 'coloured people' rather than 'people of colour'. As I understand it, 'people of colour' is currently the accepted term for anyone who isn't white...