• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. B

    [UPDATED] Here's Mike Mearls' New D&D 5E Initiative System

    he also said that initiative slows the game and disrupts the tension of a fight "look, a dragon! Let's roll some dice and do some math". How does THAT helps with it? It's way worse
  2. B

    New DM Screen Coming In September

    so much space to actions? Anybody with a few games runned on their back already knows what the actions are, it's not something we have to constantly check.
  3. B

    The Strange Corebook

    3 out of 5 rating for The Strange Corebook The general ideia and the setting are brilliant. But the system and players options don't keep the same pace. "You can be anyone anywhere", except that is somewhat like 8 characters options.
  4. B

    Here Comes The STRAHD DM SCREEN

    holy crap, this looks terrible.
  5. B

    D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual

    4 out of 5 rating for D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual I disagree about some options for the monsters and it could have a wider variation on challenge levels, though. But the art is great and is very pleasant to see some oldschool monsters gaining space in our day to day game again.