• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. D

    D&D 5E How Twin Polymorph almost resulted in a TPK.

    Warning: This post contains Princes of the Apocalypse Spoilers. So the Sorcerer (favored soul) in my group just got twin Polymorph as the group was exploring the fane of the eye. She decided to cast it and turn the party Ranger and Wizard into huge giant apes. Fair enough then. They proceeded...
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    D&D 5E Can you twin spells like spiritual weapon, telekinesis, etc?

    In other words, spells that target one creature at a time, but can target different creatures over their duration. This has come up in our recent games (Favoured Soul in one game, 9th level Sorcerer in another). I've had a search on the forums but didn't find much. We've ruled "No you cannot"...
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    Players wanted - 5th Edition Princes of the Apocalypse - Friday Nights AEST/NZT (GMT + 10)

    Hi all, I'm looking for a couple of players for a new Princes of the Apocalypse 5e game, starting level 1 and progressing to level 14. This is a game that is played over Skype & Roll20. I am anticipating running this on Friday nights, but with the option of switching to Saturday nights...
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    D&D 5E At higher levels, encounter building guidelines don't matter.

    ...And it's not a bad thing. My group is 16th level now (getting close to 17, which will be scary for me as the DM!), and I'm finding that the encounter building guidelines don't really matter - especially the multipliers by numbers. Basically I just put whatever I want in an encounter now...
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    D&D 5E Making My War Cleric more effective

    Hi all, I have a Hill Dwarf War Cleric hitting level 5 soon. When I created him way back when, our group didn't really have much in the way of a "tank", and also I didn't know much about the rules back then. My idea really was to make a tough, tanky front liner who could take the hits while...
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    D&D 5E Roll20's RNG - or Evil Electronic Dice Gods?

    So in my session I rolled 4 crits against a player during one combat, and two in one turn. Basically 2 crits in a row. It turned what was meant to be an 'easy' encounter into something else. Basically if my player didn't have a belt of Dwarven Kind, I probably would have killed a Level 15...
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    D&D 5E Party optimisation vs Character optimisation

    Disclaimer: If you don't care about min/maxing and to you the game is about the story and the character second, this thread doesn't apply to you. However if you like to play mechanically strong characters (and also enjoy story), then read on. My DM has been creating a lot of custom monsters...
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    Copper subscription not active

    Hi Morrus, I recently purchased a copper subscription via paypal, and it doesn't seem to be active yet. How long does it normally take, and/or is there anything special that I have to do?
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    D&D 5E My custom monsters and NPC's

    Hi All, I thought I'd share some of my converted monsters and NPCs. These are from City of the Spider Queen. Some of the module specific stuff I'll leave out of here due to potential copy write issues. Just in case, all credit goes to Wizard's of the Coast and the authors of the original...
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    D&D 5E Wind Walk

    I'm current running an underdark campaign, and the party is currently at a travelling phase of the adventure. The Lore Bard decided to pick up Wind Walk as one of his magical secrets spells, and main it's a fricken pain as written. The fact though that they can turn into a mist at will (takes a...
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    D&D 5E The D&D Gauntlet

    A friend and myself have been working on a gladiator style of campaign which we call "The Gauntlet". We're struggling to find enough players really for full proper campaigns, and this is a way for us to play with a less than optimal number of players. It can be run with as low as two people...
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    Looking for a couple of players - Online Roll20 5e - NZ/AU timezone.

    Hi potential players, Our gaming group is looking for 1-2 extra players. We have two different gaming sessions, you can either take your pick (or even play in both if that suits). 1. Hoard of the Dragon Queen, 4pm-8pm AEST Sundays. We are currently level 3. We have three players already...
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    D&D 5E How to (almost) kill three 13th level characters.

    As some of you may know, I've been running a conversion of City of the Spider Queen. I've also complained that I've felt at times, 5e is too 'soft' at mid to higher levels. After last nights session, I can no longer say that. The Situation: My 13th level group: Ronaldo Half Elf Paladin of...