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    Joe Manganiello Gifts D&D Staff With "Death Saves" T-shirts

    Mearls has the look of a man that was dropped on his head at birth- six or seven times.
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    Shatner, Wheaton & More In D&D Themed Big Bang Theory Episode

    D&D presented through a lowest common denominator lens. How refreshing.
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    RPG Crowdfunding News – Wolfspell, The Cryptid Manual, Destination Danger, Between Sun & Shadow, and

    I don't care what the creator has said, about whom. As long as the game is good I'll buy it. I think people need to learn how to separate the art from the artist. Its a pretty simple concept. Get over yourself. Lots of people in hollywood rape children- are you going to stop watching movies?
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    Coming Soon! Morrus Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk!

    Think Coffee Talk, but more insufferable.
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    Dragon+ New "Crossover Edition"

    Sounds like a substantial issue... sometimes Dragon+ is full of useless junk but apparently not this time. And the lesson that I've learned watching D&D streams? I'd rather play than watch!
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    PopTen's Top 10 Geek Gods Includes Gygax, Salvatore, and Livingstone

    Lovecraft is very "problematic" for some people, so for that reason only, he is denied kudos. Perhaps not in this particular case, but others.
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    D&D 5E Mearls' "Firing" tweet

    Mearls sounds like he is gatekeeping a bit himself. How is he going to go about "firing" players? How about, just be civil and don't be a jerk to ANYONE at your table. He doesn't have to make it into some noble social crusade- who's he trying to impress?
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    D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

    MPMB, could I have a copy of the most recent file as well? This sheet is my everything!
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    Have You played In An Official D&D Adventurer's League Event?

    I play maybe a few times a month at the local store... its mostly a fun experience. Most everyone is welcoming and nice, the people who run it are great. You do run into some colorful characters every now and then.
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    Minis or Theatre of the Mind? (Survey)

    I don't mind either but I'm voting minis.. For some games TOTM is more appropriate, like Star Wars for FFG. I'm in a group that's been playing SW for about six months and not once have we had a need for minis. D&D 5th on the other hand, I prefer minis, just for combat.
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    Local & Regional Coordinators are no more

    Not quite sure what to think yet... the fact that attending conventions is required to rise in position is lame. Some kind of way to drum up ticket sales for cons? Baldman: "We'll make you guys some money!"
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    News Digest: Critical Role and Tabletop Going Premium Access? Pathfinder New Releases and Player Inc

    Wil's miffed! Oh, Wil you poor baby... SHADDUP WESLEY! Paying for "premium access" to shows like this is insane. Bad business.
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    D&D 5E Murder In Baldur's Gate/Sundering adventures with 5E

    Thank you... that's exactly the kind of thing I was looking for.
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    D&D 5E Murder In Baldur's Gate/Sundering adventures with 5E

    Hi there, I'm somewhat new. I've played the AL adventures to DEATH with multiple characters and was hoping for something new. Now, I know that MIBG, the Icewind Dale one, etc were written with 3.5/4th/Next playtest in mind, including stats for all 3 versions. Now I've never played the D&D Next...
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    Here's what the D&D Adventurer's League is doing for the Elemental Evil storyline!

    Thanks for the quick response. Paizo sounds like they have their act together much more than Wizards, at the moment. And I have to agree, as someone who has played the first two chapters of Dragon Queen, for the Encounters program, its very rough going. A two-hour time slot is not appropriate...
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    Here's what the D&D Adventurer's League is doing for the Elemental Evil storyline!

    As someone who doesn't play PFS, or even Pathfinder, but is interested in the behind the scenes details of organized play, what are the differences if you don't mind going into a bit more detail? :cool: