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RPG Crowdfunding News – Wolfspell, The Cryptid Manual, Destination Danger, Between Sun & Shadow, and

With Kickstarters ending February 1st to the 7th, the post-holiday RPG Kickstarter slump is over as new RPGs are waiting to be seen. Three of the tabletop RPGs covered in this article are experiments worthy of a read, a full RPG setup as a trifold record album jacket, a deck of cards that’s an RPG, a superhero setting designed for five RPG systems, and more. Read on to see what is available for your gaming table. Continuing my ask of the last few months, if you’re planning to kickstart an RPG zine in February, let Sean Hillman and myself know so we can share it. For more details, click here.

With Kickstarters ending February 1st to the 7th, the post-holiday RPG Kickstarter slump is over as new RPGs are waiting to be seen. Three of the tabletop RPGs covered in this article are experiments worthy of a read, a full RPG setup as a trifold record album jacket, a deck of cards that’s an RPG, a superhero setting designed for five RPG systems, and more. Read on to see what is available for your gaming table. Continuing my ask of the last few months, if you’re planning to kickstart an RPG zine in February, let Sean Hillman and myself know so we can share it. For more details, click here.

[h=3]RPG RULESETS[/h] Wolfspell by Epidiah Ravachol

  • END DATE: Sun, February 3 2019 10:33 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): An original RPG system
  • PROJECT TYPE: Core rules “published as the liner notes of a record album jacket”
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $30 plus shipping & handling for the autographed trifold LP jacket and PDF
  • NOTE: This is a 14-day quickstarter
Wolfspell—a tabletop roleplaying game that will be published as the liner notes of a record album jacket. Wolfspell is a sword and sorcery game about adventurers who have transformed themselves into wolves in order to complete some dire quest. The game plays like a proggy metal concept album and demands a physical form to match. You are wolves of human blood. When asked to roll, you will always roll both a Blood Die and a Wolf Die. Note which is higher. This will tell you whether your wolf is guided by human knowledge and experience or by bestial instinct. The Blood Die represents the capabilities of human thought: from shaping the world around you as a farmer plows the field or a smithy forges a sword, to throwing yourself heedlessly into your task as an explorer sails past the sight of shore or a rover charges into the fray. The Wolf Die represents the advantages of lupine instincts, knowing where and how to hunt prey, and the safety of the pack. The dice will limit your options to the side of you in ascendance, but as you behave more like a wolf, your Feral score will grow, increasing the might of your Wolf Die, turning you into a more capable wolf. But will you be able to return to human form when it's all over? Will you even want to? With a word count around 2,000, it was tight enough to fit in the liner notes of an old gatefold LP jacket. And this is why we’re here. With the funding from this Kickstarter, Wolfspell will be published on a trifold LP jacket that folds out into a single 3-foot by 1-foot panel of wolf metal art—a towering spectacle of a roleplaying game.”

Destination Danger by Guardian Moon Games

  • END DATE: Wed, February 6 2019 12:59 AM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): An original RPG system
  • PROJECT TYPE: RPG core rule deck
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $20 for a PDF and a print copy of the deck
Destination Danger is a pocket-sized role-playing adventure set in the 1930s. It can be played anywhere, anytime, and with anyone! The cards in the Destination Danger deck contain all the information needed for a quick and fun role-playing experience (no player’s guide or DM book required!). Each scenario begins with the characters in the middle of a bad situation, and the players work together (or not) to resolve the situation successfully. As each player is playing a role, he or she is encouraged to consider the character’s stats, special skills, and personality traits when choosing how to act—in other words, each player should endeavor to become the character they are playing rather than just do the thing they themselves might do in a given situation. The Game Master uses the other cards in the deck—monsters, maps, items, etc.—to move the game along. Destination Danger can run as a full game in as little as 25 minutes. Since each scenario begins right in the middle of the action, players must think and move quickly to avoid the bullets that are already flying or to get out of the handcuffs that are already on their wrists.”

Dark Places & Demogorgons: The Cryptid Manual, Tabletop RPG by Bloat Games

  • END DATE: Thu, February 7 2019 10:00 PM EST.
  • PROJECT TYPE: Rules expansion (Bestiary)
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $20 for a PDF and two PODs (1 for the softcover and 1 for the hardcover)
“Do you believe in creatures like Bigfoot, The Mothman, The Jersey Devil, The Pope Lick Monster, Chupacabra, Gremlins & Lake Monsters? Well you should! These things are real. They are out there, just beyond the shadows, stalking the unsuspecting. Awaiting the perfect time to strike! Don’t believe me? Then maybe you should check out the Dark Places & Demogorgons Cryptid Manual. The Cryptid Manual is Bloat Games first exclusively Bestiary/Monster Manual type of product. However, instead of using the same monsters that find their ways into most Bestiaries, for the Cryptid Manual, Bloat Games focused on highlighting the creatures of Cryptozoology from all around the world. If you’ve ever wanted to run your players against a Big Foot, a Lake Monster, The Mothman or Jersey Devil, then this supplement will be a must have. While the Cryptid Manual was created for Dark Places & Demogorgon it can easily be used with any OSR game, with very little conversion needed by the DM. Dark Places & Demogorgons: The Cryptid Manual has been fully written, edited, play-tested, layout complete and all art in is completed and in place. The Digital files are uploaded and ready to go and the Physical Proofs (as seen below) have been ordered, received and approved. We intend to deliver all digital files to the backers the day after the funds have been deposited into our account, which is usually about 2 weeks after the Kickstarter ends and the At-Cost POD codes not long after that. The physical book will be approximately 90 pages, full color, digest size (6x9) and available in hard cover and softcover. A unique Tabletop RPG OSR Bestiary by Bloat Games, creators of SURVIVE THIS!! Zombies! Vigilante City and other oldschool based games!”

[h=3]RPG ADVENTURE MODULES & CAMPAIGN SETTINGS[/h] Cha'alt by Kort’thalis Publishing

  • END DATE: Mon, February 4 2019 3:19 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): O5R (“The middle ground between both the OSR crowd, as well as, 5e gamers”)
  • PROJECT TYPE: Adventure Module
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: [Tie] $25 plus shipping & handling for the PDF and softcover OR $50 plus shipping & handling for the PDF and the limited-edition hardcover
  • NOTE: Venger Satanis (Kort’thalis Publishing) uses his platform to make statements many find controversial.
  • DISCLOSURE: In the past, I was published by Kort’thalis Publishing. That said, I do not endorse Venger Satanis’ statements or points of view.
“The world of Cha'alt started as a fairly typical medieval land with elves, dwarves, snake-men, clerics, and magic-users; steeped in superstition along with antediluvian traditions, before the Old Gods went mad. Three-thousand years passed. The surface dwellers split from the malevolent creatures who slithered below. Those who remained on the surface lost the understanding of magic, but their civilization became a highly developed, technological empire of domed cities welcoming interstellar travelers, their massive starships hovering high above in blue skies. But in the deep crevasses of the world, a power older than time stirred from its deathless slumber. The Ancient Gods, long forgot, had not died but continued to dream... growing chaotic and full of darkness. And those living underground hastened the Old Ones' rising because they yearned to reclaim Cha'alt for themselves. Soon enough, Cha'alt was all but destroyed by those vengeful Gods, jealous of their creations' achievements and bitter that they had been forgotten. Civilization in ruins, the surface-dwellers of Cha'alt turned to barbarism as sorcery reappeared, dragons appeared in the now-magenta sky, and demons took hold once more. Cha'alt is a mysterious world where you're likely to encounter mutant bikers with laser rifles, tentacled sandworms in the deep desert, tribal warfare as blood-splotched shamans ululate at the crimson rock, and alien pirates on anti-grav skiffs looking to steal relics of a bygone age. Over half the book will focus on the Great Pyramid of Cha'alt, a massive, sunken tomb full of humanoids, monsters, traps, puzzles, treasure, and artifacts (both technological and magical). It's a 5-level megadungeon (with lots of room for growth if funding goes well). Cha'alt will be an about 100 pages (or more, assuming stretch goals), full-color, 8.5" x 11", print-on-demand softcover (using Amazon's high quality, in-house PoD company) signed by me and personally mailed out to backers. Layout and cartography by Gold ENnie winner Glynn Seal of MonkeyBlood Design. Amazing artists such as Yannick Bouchard, Jeff Brown, Paul Carrick, Monstark, and others! Cha'alt is an OSR / D&D 5e science-fantasy, eldritch, gonzo, post-apocalyptic campaign world focusing on The Great Pyramid megadungeon.”

The Superverse - A Superhero Campaign Sourcebook by HAZARD Studio

  • END DATE: Thu, February 7 2019 5:58 AM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): SUPERS! Revised RPG, ICONS Assembled, Champions Complete, BASH! Ultimate Edition, and Supergame 3rd Edition
  • PROJECT TYPE: Campaign setting
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $15 for the PDF of the campaign setting for one of the rulesets
The Superverse is a campaign sourcebook originally designed for SUPERS! Revised, a rules-lite tabletop RPG published by Hazard Studios. I’ve since decided to publish four additional editions of The Superverse in support of the following games: ICONS Assembled,Champions Complete, BASH! Ultimate Edition, and Supergame 3rd Edition. Each system specific sourcebook includes the following: Stats and origins for the The Freedom Ring and The Iron Gauntlet. These are the 5 superheroes and 7 supervillains originally appearing in character books that I published for the first edition of SUPERS! back in 2012. Their stats are updated for SUPERS! Revised. They remain the same for the BASH! Ultimate Edition version of the book (as the original character books were published for this game shortly after their original release). This is the first time that these characters are written-up for ICONS: Assembled, Champions Complete and Supergame. The character origins are basically the same as in the original character books, but have been slightly tweaked for purposes of better integrating them with the next item, which is… Four interlinked adventures designed to introduce all of the above characters into your games while keeping your player characters at the forefront of the action. New Characters and Organizations. A Timeline of the Superverse. The City of Del Rey. Del Rey is the fictionalized version of San Francisco where the aforementioned adventures are set. I’ve tried to provide enough flavor text to give the city some personality, but have shied away from creating an overly-determined setting. The chapter on Del Rey provides details on organizations, institutions, people, and places, but only those that might make an appearance during the sourcebook’s adventures. My hope is that this approach will “leave enough blanks” for you to make the city your own. Optional Rules (SUPERS! Revised only!). This includes a new option for Super Strength, minor tweaks to the Mook rules, and suggested changes for one or two Complications. A Mass Combat System (SUPERS! Revised only!). SUPERS! Revised's Mook rules figure heavy into this system, but the options introduced here provide a new approach to truly massive battles. The Superverse is a campaign sourcebook that supports the following RPGs: SUPERS! Revised, HERO System, ICONS, BASH! and Supergame.”

Between Sun & Shadow: Second Edition (for Tiny Dungeon 2e) by Blue Oxrat

  • END DATE: Thu, February 7 2019 10:59 AM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): TinyD6
  • PROJECT TYPE: Campaign setting
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $15 for a PDF and two PODs (1 for the softcover and 1 for the hardcover)
“Explore a land divided between the Unblinking Sun and the Everlasting Shadow in this officially licensed campaign setting for Tiny Dungeon 2e. Between Sun & Shadow 2e is a sandbox-style campaign setting infused with advanced alchemy, clockwork technology, and a powerful new magic system. Between Sun & Shadow 2e allows you to explore Siran, where half of the world lives in perpetual daylight, while the other experiences continuous darkness. The wondrous creations of master alchemists and clockwork engineers help create a thriving society, and a once forgotten magic known as Carving is being rediscovered. Those who unlock its secrets may be the ones to protect and preserve the Eternal Empire, or they may be the ones to end the reign of the One True King. Between Sun & Shadow 2e is a sandbox-style setting. Filled with scores of Rumors that act as adventure hooks, it is up to you and your fellow players to explore what’s true and what’s false, who’s good and who’s bad. It is designed to be fully compatible with Tiny Dungeon 2e and the TinyD6 ruleset. Between Sun & Shadow 2e will look and feel like a part of the Tiny D6 line of games. Editing will be done by Alana Joli Abbott and page layout and design will be done by Robert Denton III, both of whom have extensive experience with TinyD6 games. Nicolás R. Giacondino has provided artwork for several TinyD6 games. The book will be 5.5 in x 8.5 in. If we unlock all the stretch goals, the book will be approximately 75–80 pages. Without, it'll be closer to 55–60. A campaign setting for Tiny Dungeon 2e with heritages, traits, creatures, adventure hooks, a new magic system, and more!”

If you like what we do here at EN World (the Forums, Columns, News, ENnies, etc) and would like to help support us to bring you MORE please consider supporting our Patreon. Even a single dollar helps! This article was contributed by Egg Embry as part of EN World's Columnist (ENWC) program. Please note that Egg is a participant in the OneBookShelf Affiliate Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to DriveThruRPG.

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Egg Embry

Egg Embry


#1 Enworld Jerk™
Yeah, Venger won't be getting any of my money. I suggest other people don't give him theirs as well, he's said some vile, vile stuff.


High Priest of Kort'thalis Publishing
Yeah, Venger won't be getting any of my money. I suggest other people don't give him theirs as well, he's said some vile, vile stuff.

Probably at least as double-vile as Jordan B. Peterson, Alexander Macris, SNL writers... perhaps Andy Kaufman? Just imagine the far-left outrage if I started wearing a MAGA hat!

But seriously, I don't pretend to represent you or your values. Just like you don't represent me or mine. Clearly, we're different people who have RPGs in common and probably not much else. That's ok. Different tribes don't have to be openly hostile to each other.

Your Bogeyman,



#1 Enworld Jerk™
Probably at least as double-vile as Jordan B. Peterson, Alexander Macris, SNL writers... perhaps Andy Kaufman? Just imagine the far-left outrage if I started wearing a MAGA hat!

But seriously, I don't pretend to represent you or your values. Just like you don't represent me or mine. Clearly, we're different people who have RPGs in common and probably not much else. That's ok. Different tribes don't have to be openly hostile to each other.

Your Bogeyman,


I also don't support Autarch because of Macris and his non gaming activities (well, that and I don't need another D&D but with spreadsheets).

I don't subscribe to your suspiciously beneficial (to you) view that you can say whatever childish, hateful thing you wish and then throw up your hands and say "but we're all gamers and we don't have to agree and that's okay". I think actions have consequences and you don't get to hide from them behind this terribly flimsy justification.

I liked you better when you just flipped out over bad reviews.


High Priest of Kort'thalis Publishing
I also don't support Autarch because of Macris and his non gaming activities (well, that and I don't need another D&D but with spreadsheets).

I don't subscribe to your suspiciously beneficial (to you) view that you can say whatever childish, hateful thing you wish and then throw up your hands and say "but we're all gamers and we don't have to agree and that's okay". I think actions have consequences and you don't get to hide from them behind this terribly flimsy justification.

I liked you better when you just flipped out over bad reviews.

Not throwing up my hands, just stating the obvious. Is it not ok that we disagree? Do you want me banned from this forum because I have different viewpoints? De-platformed altogether? Since we have dissimilar values and beliefs, you get to call me hateful... and that's fine? What's next? Calls for violence against me, my friends, family, and supporters?



#1 Enworld Jerk™
I call you hateful because you post hateful things. Beyond the several articles the OP linked I could find another half dozen easily that show the same. Don't want to be called hateful and vile? Don't say vile and hateful things.

Please take yourself off the cross, all I'm saying is that you don't deserve money for your derivative elfgame Kickstarter.


High Priest of Kort'thalis Publishing
This may be news to you, but I don't hate anyone. As for vile... one faction says tomato, the other says toma'ato. ;)



I call you hateful because you post hateful things. Beyond the several articles the OP linked I could find another half dozen easily that show the same. Don't want to be called hateful and vile? Don't say vile and hateful things.

Please take yourself off the cross, all I'm saying is that you don't deserve money for your derivative elfgame Kickstarter.

Is this an RPG forum or a Politics forum? If it's an RPG forum I'd say that the posts regarding Venger are off-topic and out of line. If it's a politics forum then the discussion makes sense.

RPGs aren't politics, and sites about RPGs shouldn't be political battlegrounds.


First Post
I don't care what the creator has said, about whom. As long as the game is good I'll buy it. I think people need to learn how to separate the art from the artist. Its a pretty simple concept. Get over yourself. Lots of people in hollywood rape children- are you going to stop watching movies?

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