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  1. Sands999

    D&D 5E My 5e Tomb of Horrors and Dungeon Tile Use

    So last night I began to run my own 5e conversion of Tomb of Horrors. It was a macabre success! I printed out some tiles for this adventure. After using them, I really don't see how you can play this dungeon without some sort of visual reference. I got my tiles for free at Drive Thru RPG and...
  2. Sands999

    D&D 5E Tomb of Horrors: Is All Poison Save or Die?

    I'm reading through the original ToH for AD&D, and converting it for my 5e campaign. There are a lot of instances where poison is used. In the first instance it is used (a pit trap), it states that the poison is save or die. Later, many other instances of poison (traps, snake bites, etc) are...
  3. Sands999

    Adventuring Party Origins

    Hey everyone! I created something that I thought might be of interest to people around these parts and put it up on DMs Guild. It's a supplement called: Adventuring Party Origins. I created it because I often see (and have dealt with as a DM myself) issues trying to tie an adventuring group...
  4. Sands999

    Adventuring Party Origins

    Hey everyone! I created something that I thought might be of interest to people around these parts and put it up on DMs Guild. It's a supplement called: Adventuring Party Origins. I created it because I often see (and have dealt with as a DM myself) issues trying to tie an adventuring group...
  5. Sands999

    This Quest Sucks Presents - Gam-O-Rama, LivePlay RPG

    Hey community! So my RPG group and I recorded a one shot Gamma World game set in a home brew world called Gam-O-Rama, a (mostly) 1980s culturally themed world. Normally we play 5th edition D&D, but we decided to have a little fun goofing off with some Gamma World. It's Christmas time in...