Search results

  1. Zethnos

    To DM or not to DM. That is the question. Any advice?

    I made the world more out of fun, something to do when I had a lot of free time. The players I was working with were close friends and there was literally no way to start them faster. They just wouldn't work on the characters, wouldn't ask questions, or let me give them advice or help in any...
  2. Zethnos

    To DM or not to DM. That is the question. Any advice?

    Yeah the good DMs I have played with all said the same thing about not being able to be a player for so long. I mostly use roll20 so I'm used to playing with complete strangers a lot. If I did DM for a long time I'd probably just go on there and find a game as a player like I have been doing...
  3. Zethnos

    To DM or not to DM. That is the question. Any advice?

    Thanks again everyone. I really appreciate it. All of the advice here has been really helpful.
  4. Zethnos

    To DM or not to DM. That is the question. Any advice?

    Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it! Right now, my current group (which is online) I think is done playing. There are 3 players (had quite a few join and leave) and a DM. The DM had a surgery done and we haven't heard from him for a month and so I think we may just be splitting up if we...
  5. Zethnos

    To DM or not to DM. That is the question. Any advice?

    I've been thinking about DMing for a few years now. I've even created my own world, putting bits and pieces together over time when ideas strike me. My problem is. I REALLY love being a player. I do. I'm extremely worried that I'll start it and not have fun and may force myself to keep doing it...
  6. Zethnos

    Looking for feedback on this Dryad homebrew race.

    So here's the thing... Dwarves exist... and also... This exists. Are Dwarves overpowered now? Also I rewrote the description of the natural armor if you want to take a look.
  7. Zethnos

    Looking for feedback on this Dryad homebrew race.

    Yeah I actually just rewrote the description of it and saved it so that it makes more sense. I'm struggling with it a small bit myself. At first I did give them 13 + dex, but someone suggested replicating Barkskin and thought it sounded great (at least thematically) and the numbers worked out in...
  8. Zethnos

    Looking for feedback on this Dryad homebrew race.

    I just made a long response to the natural armor thing if you would like to check it out :) Hmm choosing animal languages huh? I did consider working it in such a way that "You can communicate with plants and animals as though you shared a language" would that be more of what you mean? So with...
  9. Zethnos

    Looking for feedback on this Dryad homebrew race.

    I've had a few people elsewhere comment on this and once I explain it more clearly they tend to agree with me. This is leading me to rewrite the ability to better represent what it is supposed to be. I know the whole "free 2nd level spell" aspect seems a bit intimidating but allow me to explain...
  10. Zethnos

    Looking for feedback on this Dryad homebrew race.

    That would actually be pretty great. I was a bit worried that it would be too strong if I didn't use some sort of movement, but then it would compare more to Fey Step from the Eladrin but it would be dependent on large trees being near by.
  11. Zethnos

    Would you allow this?

    That sounds like it would make an awesome story. I would love to see that happen. On another note, if the player didn't just want to all the sudden... wings... They could also explain it similarly to this: They are already divinely favored creatures, weather you are playing them as a cleric...
  12. Zethnos

    Using Wisdom to resist harm

    I could see it working under the right circumstances to be honest. I mean the monks get unarmored defense which uses wisdom to up their armor class. I believe this could be explained by they are so perceptive of the battle field and always so aware of their surroundings that they see attacks...
  13. Zethnos

    Heavy Armor Master OR Toughness

    I really like this breakdown of it. But we can't forget that this is if your campaign doesn't do any magic damage or things of that nature. Level 8 + you really start getting involved with more magical enemies (generally speaking) and it would make HAM even less effective than Toughness...
  14. Zethnos

    Looking for feedback on this Dryad homebrew race.

    I sat down today and made a homebrew Dryad race: This is my first homebrew and I am pretty proud of it. I love the theme of a magical Oaken Warrior race and thought it would make a cool project. I had a few people give me advice so far and I...
  15. Zethnos

    D&D Has the Biggest Playerbase, So Why is it the Hardest for 3rd Party to Market Too?

    I didn't say the stories were bad, I was saying people don't usually accept them unless they already have a following and are proven to be a reliable company.
  16. Zethnos

    D&D Has the Biggest Playerbase, So Why is it the Hardest for 3rd Party to Market Too?

    For me, I wouldn't buy anything not officially released by wizards. The reason being, almost no good DM I have played with will allow homebrew unless it was highly tested and refined by an online community. Most people on here make homebrew to submit and it's grossly overpowered. How could we...
  17. Zethnos

    Ironing out a Homebrew Spell - Rapture -

    Yeah I could see casting at a higher level granting knowledge of what the illusion was. Seems neat. I know there are a few spells that do say it only works on creatures with intelligence "x" or higher. Maybe look at a few of those spells and steal the wording from there. If you do that then I...
  18. Zethnos

    Ironing out a Homebrew Spell - Rapture -

    I would say to compare this spell to that of "Hunger of Hadar" Homebrew Level: 3 Time: 1 Action Length: Concentration - 1 minute. Save: Int - Initially & Once per turn. Condition: Unconscious - Grants advantage and automatic crit on hit &...
  19. Zethnos

    How do I justify a Lizardfolk Cleric in lore and RP?

    That is actually really interesting.
  20. Zethnos

    How do I justify a Lizardfolk Cleric in lore and RP?

    Yeah I didn't really think about the pre-metalwork thing. I think I may have a way to explain that though, tying it in with the reply I just posted :P