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    I NEED HELP!!!!!

    So I found a character generator that worked! I'm so excited. The link is
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    I NEED HELP!!!!!

    OK, so someone gave me a great idea for a switch in the game playing! I have a party of 5 10th level characters. They are going to be transported to a new time and they are going to assume 5 new "bodies" from the past. But I need writeups including random new equipment. Is there anyone willing...
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    D&D 5E Enhancing "Curse of Strahd" (and DDAL adventures)

    My players are 8th level now, and yeah there aren't alot of challenges for them. They will be meeting Strahd in the next few sessions, but other than tht, they are rolling through pretty much what is there
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    D&D 5E Thieves Cant

    thanks for the response folks, I appreciate the input
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    D&D 5E Thieves Cant

    Hey all, I am making a dark elven warlock whose background is guild merchant with the trader specialty. It says my guild has thieves cant. Do other thieves have the ability to read that or is it unique to each thieves guild?
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    D&D 5E Enhancing "Curse of Strahd" (and DDAL adventures)

    I am running it now. I am using a planes-hopping motif for the overall campaign theme, where the party has to do some scavenger hunting to assemble the components to make a legendary artifact, and one item is in Ravenloft. I have in my cosmos that Jergal is the one responsible for the Mists and...
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    D&D 5E Hey All, Is This Encounter A Reasonable One?

    That's exactly what I did for the clerics, just swapped out comparable spells
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    D&D 5E Hey All, Is This Encounter A Reasonable One?

    I really appreciate all the responses. Helps alot
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    D&D 5E Hey All, Is This Encounter A Reasonable One?

    Thanks for the response. The duergar are in a mountain range in Acheron. That is an eternal battlefield in the outer planes. So the idea I had was that they are used to incursions from aggressive types, as Gruumish and the Orcs are there, and of course, they hate dwarves. So the idea that they...
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    D&D 5E Hey All, Is This Encounter A Reasonable One?

    these are all fantastic hints, thanks so much everyone I am learning and enjoying this alot
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    D&D 5E Hey All, Is This Encounter A Reasonable One?

    hey there, thanks for the response. The purpose is to give the party a challenge that is not the norm for them (surprise and the use of battlefield control magic) and nothing mor ereally then to show some resistance to them getting the minerals that the mine is yielding
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    D&D 5E Hey All, Is This Encounter A Reasonable One?

    Hey thanks for the awesome tips!!! I do have encounters that aren't only combat. The story hook has alot of investigation, some negotiation, and skill checks that take into effect what the specific ability score influences (cha etc) As to the party makeup, yeah I allow the party to choose what...
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    D&D 5E Hey All, Is This Encounter A Reasonable One?

    It would be the 2nd of 2, the first was going to be an "easy" difficulty with the story hook of an escaping duergar to go warn the rest of the defense force, thus the 2nd encounter
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    D&D 5E Hey All, Is This Encounter A Reasonable One?

    Thanks for the response. TBH, I wasn't going to use the invisibility because of the potential to so swing the battle, but I was intending to use the "enlarge" ability. The real reason I am using them is the environment and the source of what they are looking to retrieve is a series of precious...
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    D&D 5E Hey All, Is This Encounter A Reasonable One?

    Thanks for your input. PMing I understand the whole "Best laid plans" thing. My question is in it's initial concept, was it too hard/unfair/too "killer DM" like. Thanks for the post I appreciate it. Iserith, Yep, I know of an "Encounter Calculator" online and I run the encounters through that...
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    D&D 5E Hey All, Is This Encounter A Reasonable One?

    I made an encounter for my next gaming session. We have a player that doesn't like when things are "shaken up" by tweaking monsters. So I made a CR1 into a CR 2 by taking the special abilities of the CR1, but adding giving it the HPs and spell abilities of the CR2. But also I have set up the...