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    Free Would you like a free PDF copy of one of our books?

    Valley of the Crackling Snow for 5e sounds pretty cool! Is this still going on? Seems like the responses have been VERY slow on this particular thread.
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    D&D Campaign Settings you have played most in your life

    D&D Campaign Settings you have played most in your life Forgotten Realms is the ONLY setting I’ve played in. Bear in mind, though, that I only played for a few months way back in 2e, and I only came back and picked up 5e in September. For those of you who pretty much despise FR, is there a...
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    D&D 5E Shatterspike in 5E: breaking an enemy's weapon

    I just received this weapon last night in my regular local game shop game. As a level 3 barbarian, I don’t see myself using it to break any objects other than the occasional stubborn door the party may come across. Any other time I use this weapon, it’s gonna be to do as much damage as possible...
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    D&D 5E Action Types - Rules As Written

    It may be because I'm super new to TTRPG, but I'm really just doing it to have fun. I've played with two different groups on Roll20, the first not so great because the DM was kinda all over the place, and the current group I'm playing with being great fun, even though we don't get treasure much...
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    D&D 5E The Unlucky Guy

    Our bard is Unlucky Guy at my Wednesday Night Adventurers League group at the local game shop. He tends to shoot other members of the party when he decides to use his bow. My first night there, he shot me in the back instead of hitting a goblin, because he rolled a 1 on his attack roll. After...
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    D&D 5E Drop bow and unsheathe sword: still get to attack?

    Or to find another DM. Sounds like he may have been a bit of a fun-sucker. Guess it's possible to run into those ANYwhere... ;)
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    D&D 5E Drop bow and unsheathe sword: still get to attack?

    Yeah, I kinda thought it was a bit much, too. I was just wondering if anyone else did it or not. Thanx! :)
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    D&D 5E Drop bow and unsheathe sword: still get to attack?

    Does anyone roll for bow or crossbow damage if dropped? Pretty sure I saw Adam do that on either Adventurer's League or Old School Adventures once. Wasn't sure if that was RAW or just something he did in the moment. I don't recall seeing anything about this anywhere in the 5e PHB, or the first...
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    D&D 5E What are the Top 5 Most Powerful Spells for their Level?

    My wife is a second level wizard, and her favorites are Thunderwave (of course!!) and Catapult. What's not to like about auto hit and 3d8 bludgeoning damage for a first level spell? And an additional 1d8 for each spell slot above 1st. Haven't been playing long enough to have first hand...
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    D&D 5E Why penalize returning from death?

    My wife and I play AL at the local game shop, and you may be surprised to know, there are still house rules. A DM is running the game, so how could there not be house rules? Like ad_hoc mentioned above, the way 5e was designed leaves little to no chance that ANY group playing it will not have...
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    D&D 5E Why penalize returning from death?

    I honestly don’t think the GM was trying to kill me off for not playing a barbarian correctly. It was just one of those things that happened. I was the only one in melee with those two goblins, so when it was their turn, of course they attacked me. After their turn, I was unconscious, and failed...
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    D&D 5E Why penalize returning from death?

    I had ABSOLUTELY no idea how powerful a goblin was to my first level character. Complete misplay on my part. I learned from the mistake, though, and I rage in 90 percent of my combat encounters now. [emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    D&D 5E Why penalize returning from death?

    As a new player who died fairly quickly when I began playing, I think death should have a penalty. My wife and I always play together, and BOTH of us died the first time we played. We had both invested several hours into backstories for our first level characters. In our second encounter, we...