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  1. s/LaSH

    The s/LaSH Goodbye Thread

    Well, the day draws close when I leave town and head to a much smaller town to study 'Advanced 3D Animation'. From this Sunday (0530, at GMT+13) I'll be away from keyboard indefinitely - I don't know whether I'll have Net access up there. So I'm saying a temporary So long, ENworld! It's been...
  2. s/LaSH

    Talk, ye scurvy dogs!

    While the day be past in me time zone, some o'ye may yet have the chance to talk like brave buccanneers. In that vein, I give ye my contribution t'the day. And if that don't get ye t'talk the way ye should, there's no hope for yer lubbery hide.
  3. s/LaSH

    Two years of comic art

    My webcomic Dungeon Damage turns two today, and I'm celebrating with a competition. More details here, but really, I just want people to read the comic and tell me what they think. Plus I think the dragon I drew for the occasion is rather spiffy.
  4. s/LaSH

    Recent monster art - want some?

    Recently I've been doing some artwork for DaemonEye Publishing (through not having much else to do), and because they're only buying right of use (no exclusivity, no nothing), I'm free to show the stuff around and see if anyone else wants rights too. Failing that, I reckon it's a good chance to...
  5. s/LaSH

    Aid my quest for a forum

    You may know me as the creator of the D&D-themed webcomic Dungeon Damage. Well, recently I've been devoting more of my time to commercial illustration, and the comic has suffered, because it doesn't put food on the table (being both free and time-consuming). One of my goals for the future is a...
  6. s/LaSH

    Season's Greetings

    Merry Christmas from Time Zone 13, everyone. Despite having been fairly quiet around here for a while, I thought I'd nevertheless invite people to view my contribution to the season (linked remotely so as not to destroy your connection without warning)...
  7. s/LaSH

    Dungeon Damage turns 100

    My webcomic now has 100 story pages online. Each and every page is a full portrait page, in full colour, continuing a story of unexpected surprises and generic cool stuff. It's taken me a year to get this far, working like something unholy, but hey - that's the equivalent of nearly five print...
  8. s/LaSH

    Mariliths - Wizards' and Mine

    Remember a few days ago when Wizards released their new illustration for the Marilith? A lot of people around here didn't like it. I myself didn't feel deep, resentful hatred, but largely to make other people feel better I sketched up a more traditional Marilith. Then ENWorld went down and I...
  9. s/LaSH

    Building a Better Marilith

    Remember a few days ago when Wizards released their new illustration for the Marilith? A lot of people around here didn't like it. I myself didn't feel deep, resentful hatred, but largely to make other people feel better I sketched up a more traditional Marilith. Then ENWorld went down and I...
  10. s/LaSH

    My new system: TWILIGHT

    I'm very excited. I just posted the demo rules to my homebrew Twilight system. I would be honoured if you would check them out. Why should you? - Twilight has a unique tactical approach to combat. Everyone's much more engaged in matters, and defense is really important, because if you make a...
  11. s/LaSH

    Art by s/LaSH

    I figured it was time I got one of these... it's the first time I've started a thread, too. Well, I'm an artist... some people would call me a good one, but you may be the judge of that. I run a webcomic based on the campaign I DM, currently up to 62 full-colour pages of story, which you can...