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  1. S

    ENworld very slow...

    Hi folks, just a quick question (or information for the staff maybe): Any other EU folks here having problems with ENworld? Since 2-3 days ENworld needs about 15-24 seconds to respond to an action (reloading page, editing post etc.) and this really is a very bad performance compared to other...
  2. S

    D&D 4E 4e Avariel - Forgotten Realms

    As our campaign setting are the Forgotten Realms i used text from the 3.5 Races of Faerun to spice the whole thing up with a great description of the race itself. cudos to the writer! Included in this PDF are: Racial Traits Description Racial Feats [more coming not so soon... ^^] What will...
  3. S

    D&D 4E Wemic 4e FR (PEACH) ^^

    As we are proud to have Wemic as character in our campaign i needed to come up with a version for 4e DnD and i want to share it with you all. As our campaign setting are the Forgotten Realms used text from the 3.5 Races of Faerun to spice the whole thing up with a great description of the race...