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  1. L

    Pathfinder 2's Critical Hits & Failures! Plus Save-or-Suck and Damage On A Miss!

    My other complaint is based upon damage. If a fighter follows 3E/PF1/4E damage scaling the feat is OP. By this I mean a high level fighter can roll 1D8+25 damage based upon various modifiers. From the way magic weapons work it would be 5D8+25 in PF2. In this instance the D8 is meaningless. I...
  2. L

    Pathfinder 2's Critical Hits & Failures! Plus Save-or-Suck and Damage On A Miss!

    It depends on the cost of the feat. If it cost 3 actions I would be fine with it. If its a single action or even a 2 cost action I am definitely against it. Also the feat is not like a class ability comparable to sneak attacks. Sneak attack is a core feature of rogues and not an optional feat...
  3. L

    Pathfinder 2's Critical Hits & Failures! Plus Save-or-Suck and Damage On A Miss!

    I understand your point Charlaquin but I dislike Damage on a miss attack (DOMA) for a few reasons 1) The reason I like playing martials is a risk vs reward. I enjoy rolling the dice and hoping for a hit or a crit. I loathe misses and fumbles but I NEED them in the game otherwise there is no...
  4. L

    Pathfinder 2's Critical Hits & Failures! Plus Save-or-Suck and Damage On A Miss!

    Damage on a miss for martials...the TRUE Participation trophy award. Is Rich Baker secretly imbedded in the Pathfinder 2 design team? ;)
  5. L

    Pathfinder 2 Playtest Preorders, Podcasts, & "Pathfinder 1.5"

    I am very excited about what I have read about Pathfinder 2. I preordered the softback, gaming map & intro adventure. I think that it is a great idea that Pathfinder will be releasing 2nd edition. I am glad for D&D 5E success as D&D will always have a special place in my heart. That being said...
  6. L

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2nd Edition Compiled Info

    I think the character feat every other level is a great idea if implemented correctly. It may allow more versatility in class design if implemented correctly and help to weed out class features that I may not be interested in. For example, I never liked the Pathfinder Barbarian feature Trap...
  7. L

    Will D&D make strength matter again?

    True, it is an artificial construct but it lends itself to some dumb game consequences like a kender with a shortsword toe to toe fighting against an armored knight. That shouldn't be possible and in older editions of D&D it was not. At least in 3rd a rogue had to flank an opponent and expose...
  8. L

    Will D&D make strength matter again?

    That must have been one wimpy storm giant :erm:
  9. L

    Will D&D make strength matter again?

    You are correct. I confused grappling with restrained in the advantage/disadvantage. Grappling does nothing but reduce an enemies movement to zero and you can only use it on creatures your size or smaller. Its worthless.
  10. L

    Will D&D make strength matter again?

    Dude, being knocked down only affects the monster till it goes again. it stands up and prone condition vanishes. Its not that great . Also per the shove rules you can make a strength (athletics) check OR a dexterity (acrobatics) check to avoid the prone condition. So shield bashing a dexterity...
  11. L

    Will D&D make strength matter again?

    Umm..no dude. Grappling is a joke. It only workings on humanoid monsters approximately your size. If you are succeeding in grappling giants I would check your rolls. Either your players are cheating or you are handing out OP magic items
  12. L

    Will D&D make strength matter again?

    I have heard of magic. It does not allow wizards to make staff attacks with their staff using intelligence at will. Rogues were never meant to be in the thick of combat. That is a 3E invention. They were meant to be skirmishers and archers. Dex being reflected in range combat accurately...
  13. L

    Will D&D make strength matter again?

    You can take medium armor and have 1 less point of AC then a fighter in full plate. If you take medium armor mastery you equal a fighter in full plate, can stealth and do not have strength requirements for wearing armor. Grappling in this edition is worthless. If you grapple both you and the...
  14. L

    Will D&D make strength matter again?

    No, you don't get to add a feat into the discussion and call it even if I say the feat is not part of the discussion. Using shield master loses its effective rather quickly once you fight monsters bigger than you. Try using shield master in a campaign like against the giants. Completely...
  15. L

    Will D&D make strength matter again?

    Why should rogues be so blessed? Why not just go the 4E route and make any attack & damage roll melee or ranged be defined by whatever attribute the characters desire? Why should rogues receive special treatment?
  16. L

    Will D&D make strength matter again?

    I actually stated in my thread that Great Weapon Master is not part of the discussion. Secondly, it would be better for Conan to be fighter 5/rogue 6 with a rapier than fighter 11 with a great sword. He would have 2D8+21 +3D6 compared to 6D6+15 for great sword plus having a +2 bonus to his AC...
  17. L

    Will D&D make strength matter again?

    I actually stated in my thread that Great Weapon Master is not part of the discussion. Secondly, it would be better for Conan to be fighter 5/rogue 6 with a rapier than fighter 11 with a great sword. He would have 2D8+21 +3D6 compared to 6D6+15 for great sword plus having a +2 bonus to his AC...
  18. L

    Will D&D make strength matter again?

    Thank you CapnZapp. Finally someone gets my point! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
  19. L

    Will D&D make strength matter again?

    Yep because 5E designers have devalued strength as a valid stat choice. I blame 3E for opening the door and crack with finesse feat to hit and 4E for burning down the house with any stat being used for melee attack rolls.
  20. L

    Will D&D make strength matter again?

    I am thinking of a way to increase damage for strength based attacks to compensate for dex being too uber. I don't think giving fighters an extra die of damage per hit when using a non-finesse attack OP considering smites & sneak attack are in the game. My group has quite a few fighter/rogues...